Personal AU #1

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AU only you and maybe a group of your friends care about? I..... actually have quite a few of these but I'm gonna stick with which one I think will be the most popular to use for this chapter.
Ironically, I call this my "Personal AU", that was the name I gave it when I first came up with it and that's what I'm sticking with.
It's hypothetical where Yondu picked Vito up at a younger age, 4, and more or less raised him on the Elector.
With yours just give me a brief explaination of the AU you want to use whether it be if your character and crush meet at younger ages, as in like during childhood, or just testing out a new species on them. Whatever your heart desires!

Scenario Starter for me:
The four year old boy didn't understand much. Yes, he had basic knowledge as any child his age. "No no" meant "Don't do that". 2 came before 3 and 3 before 4 and 5 after that. Red and green were not the same. He liked icing, chips, and ice but not asparagus. Kitty, kitten, and puppy were all names for baby animals while cat, dog, and doggy were big, adult animals. Don't stick your fingers out the window or you get hurt. He was named Vito not Wito, as he used to mispronounce it. It was yellow not yayyo. Stoves were hot which meant don't touch them. No saying d*mn it around mommy, even if what you're looking for isn't able to be found at the moment. What he couldn't wrap his head around was why he had been handed to this strange blue male. He was big, bigger than cousin Richie but not as big as Uncle Grant nor Grappy. To add salt to the wound this strange man had tried consulting him as he was slowly carried away from his mother who blew loving kisses and waved and promised to see him again. Even worse, he was on this large thing, metal thing, lots and lots of room. On the other hand he had Lest-ther with him but nothing ceased the wails leaving his mouth, especially not the nasty scowls of the other people there. His face tinted a bright, bright purplish red, making his, apparently blue face stand out above all else. He had been sobbing nonstop with no really clear end in sight. He simply didn't understand. Taking a short break from loudly crying, instead blubbering out nonsense, not really even any words, past still upset sounds he hugged Lest-ther close and looked at the strange blue man, smaller cries and hiccups and whines leaving him, curious what the man would try next.

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