Chapter 3: Feelings for a Robot.

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A few weeks had passed, just like Error predicted. His inventions worked, if he'd test them out. Well... Some of his inventions worked. Right now, they had just finished testing out his invention and well... Let's just say it didn't go as he planned it to.

Error cursed loudly, as he slammed his fist on the table, while his Experimentor and Personal Assistant, Fresh, tried calming him down.

"Ugh!! That's the fifth time time today!! It's never gonna work..." Error grumbled angrily, as he sat on his swivel chair, covering his face with his hands. Fresh smiled sympathetically, as he prepared tea for Error. Fresh walked calmly to Error, placing his tea down beside him. He then placed a gentle hand on his Creators back.

"Master, it's alright.. You can try again next time.. I know your inventions will work.. Would you like some tea, Master Error?" Fresh asked, smiling softly at the Glitchy scientist. Said scientist, sighed and nodded.

The Robot nodded back and pushed the tray gently, towards his Creator. Error grabbed his tea and sipped it, while his Robot watched him curiously. Error raised his non-existent brow and looked at Fresh, carefully placing down his tea on the table.

"Fresh, are you alright? You seem to be staring at me.." Error stated, as he stood up and slightly leaned down to his Robots eye level.

"My apologies, Master Error.. But, may I ask , why you love tea so much?" Fresh asked politely, as he looked back at his Creator with a curious look and a small smile, while tilting his head to the side a little. Error blinked and then leaned back, chuckling softly.

"So that is why, you were staring at me. Well, if you want to know so bad. I guess, I can tell you the story. But, you need to sit down, so your knee plates won't be stiff. Besides, this story is gonna be a long one!" Error stated, as he leaned back on his swivel chair, with his Robot doing the same across from him. Error then began his story.

"It all started one afternoon, when I was reading my book..."

<2 Hours Later>

 "And that is why, I love and drink tea!" Error said, content and happy, on relieving one of his favorite memories. He glanced at his Robot, who was smiling widely at him. Error chuckled, while raising an eye ridge again.

"Why so happy all of a sudden, Fresh?" Error asked, as he grabbed his tea and carefully sipped it, watching the smaller Robot with amused eyes. Fresh gave a robotic childish giggle.

"My apologies again, Master Error. I am happy because my Creator has shared his history with me and for that, I will save it to my Most cherished Files with my Creator, in my Memory chip!" Fresh explained cheerfully, as he clasped his hands together to his metallic chest (I got nothing on Fresh's explanation. That explanation was completely random of mine). Error blinked and blushed a little, as he stared at the smaller Robot across from him.

'Has he always looked this cute?..' Error thought, nodding a bit as a reply, as he embarrassingly took his tea and drank a small sip. After a minute, Fresh realized that Errors tea was almost gone. He then slowly stood up.

"Oh! Your tea is almost gone. I'll be right back to get you some more." Fresh said, as he walked to the kitchen. Not just a few steps, Fresh suddenly collapsed to his knees, using his hands to support himself from faceplanting on to the ground (XD).

As if by instinct, Error places his tea down and rushed towards the smaller Robots side, kneeling beside him. Error looked at Fresh with a panicked look.

"Fresh! Are you alright? What happened?" Error asked frantically, placing a hand at the back of the smaller Robots metal back. Fresh couldn't reply, nor could he see anything, his vision was flashing a bright red and alarm sounds were ringing inside his head. Fresh tried to look at Error. Error looked back at Fresh and gasped. 

"Your battery is running low..." Error mumbled to himself. Then suddenly, Error lifted the smaller Robot, bridal style and practically sprinted to his Lab. When he got there, he carefully layed Fresh down on the table and then grabbed the charging cable, plugging it to the smaller Robot and the other end, plugged into an empty outlet.

Error sighed quietly, as he grabbed a chair, sitting next to the table, Fresh was laying in. He grabbed the smaller Robots metal hand, squeezing it gently.

'Why didn't I see it sooner that his battery was gonna die... Ugh, should've known.. I've worn him out too much this past few weeks, from my experiments and inventions..' Error thought, as he sighed again. He then suddenly felt his cheeks warm up.

'W-Wait, am I b-blushing?! This o-only happens when I... Love someone...' He looked at his Robot, still unconsciously lying on the table. He then smiled softly, as he planted a gentle kiss on the smaller Robots forehead.

"I think I'm in love with my Creation..."

{Note: To Fresh, when his battery is dying, it's like when a monsters Soul is weakening. If his battery dies, he goes offline. To a real monster Soul, like Errors, when they're Soul is weakening, to them it's like passing out or collapsing. Therefore for Fresh, when his battery dies or goes offline for a bit and then onlines back again, if plugged in by his charging cable. Oh also, if Fresh stays offline for a few days, he could get some of his files corrupted, like if his files of making tea(Lol) gets corrupted, he'll instead make coffee instead of tea.}

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