Chapter 8: Punishments~

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Those words echoed inside Fresh's head, as Nightmare walked out the room, leaving him alone, in the dark once again. Fresh felt oily tears drip down his metal cheeks, as they fall down to the floor. Fresh quietly cried to himself, as he could feel himself slowly go into a light recharge(That's sleeping or napping in Robot's term. I got it from TFA),

A few minutes or hours had passed, Fresh slowly onlined his systems from his light recharge, when he suddenly felt himself being layed down into a table. Fresh lifted his head up slightly to scan his surroundings. He was still chained up, but the only difference was that, Nightmare was looming over him.

Fresh looked at him, with slight fear and hatred, as he questioned to himself what he was gonna do next. Nightmare smirked, when he saw the smaller Robot awake now. He then placed a hand on Fresh's cheek, to which Fresh moved away from.

"Don't touch me..." Fresh spat. This cause the taller to only chuckle deeply, which made the smaller shudder a bit. Nightmare then trailed his hand down to Fresh's neck, to his chest, to his waist line and then down to his...

"What are you doing!? Get your hands off me now!!" Fresh demanded, as he squirmed a bit. Nightmare chuckled again, as he moved his hand and placed it on Fresh's arm.

"As I said, I will give punishments, unless you learn how to obey me.." Nightmare threateningly said, as he gripped the smaller Robot's metal arm firmly, receiving a wince from Fresh and a slight dent from his arm. Fresh narrowed his purple metal eyes at Nightmare.

"Never..." Fresh growled. Nightmare frowned, but then smirked evilly, as he chuckled.

"I knew you'd say that.. And for that you will recieve a prize.." Nightmare smiled sinisterly. Fresh looked at him, confused for a second, before widening his eyes. He screamed in pain, as he felt his left arm being literally ripped right off of him. Oily tears dripped down his metal cheeks and mouth, as he stared at his now limp and broken left arm in Nightmare's hand.

Wires spazzed out electricity, oil oozed out of Fresh's now broken arm. Fresh let out a shaky breath in pain, as he looked at his arm... Well, what's left of it at least...

"You monster..." Fresh mumbled to himself, as he looked at Nightmare with hatred in his eyes. Nightmare's smirk only grew from that.

"Ready to obey your master now?~" Nightmare purred slightly.

"NEVER!!" Fresh yelled angrily. Nightmare frowned, before grinning evilly again.

"So be it then~" After the taller said that, the smaller Robot recieved scraped, cracked and broken legs and arm. Fresh cried, big oily tears dripped down his metal cheeks, as he felt wires spazz out and oil leak out from his 'wounds'. Nightmare looked down at him, placing a hand, on his cheek again, wiping his oily tears away. The goopy skeleton leaned in to his non-existent ears would be.

"Still had enough yet?" Nightmare snarled lowly, which made Fresh shiver.

"I-Is that all y-you've got?.." Fresh answered weakly, the tone of confidence and bravery were clearly heard in his vocalizer, as oil drips from his chin. Nightmare smirked, as he trailed his hand down to Fresh's waist line. Since, Fresh's hands were still chained above his head and his chained up feet were spread a bit, Nightmare climbed on top of him. The smaller Robot widened his eyes and started struggling.

"W-What are you doing?! G-Get off me!!" Nightmare smirked, as he leaned down towards the smaller Robot's face.

"Since, I can't teach you how to obey with violence.. I'm gonna teach you how to obey with... My tricks~ Let's see how well, that computer head, built you~" Nightmare purred seductively, placing a hand on Fresh's chestplate then slowly trailed it down to Fresh's hips. Fresh felt his cheeks heat up, as he glared at Nightmare.

"You wouldn't..." Fresh growled lowly. He doesn't even know, if he really was properly built for that kinda stuff. Well, to be honest, he does not want to know. And also, guessing by the sadistic smile and the throbbing tentacles Nightmare was having, he guessed it would probably feel like he was being torn in half. Fresh cowered in fear, as Nightmare leaned towards him.

"Oh, I would...~" Nightmare reached for the smallers clothes, but was interrupted when the door suddenly slammed wide open.


Note: Credits to EpicAnimatez and Pixilneko for helping me write this chapter!! So, I want you guys, that reads this, to follow them and read their stories or to see their amazing art books, if you can and want! ^^ Thank you and Good day/night!  

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