Chapter 10: Fixing him...

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Fresh then suddenly powered down, as he fell towards Error. The glitch quickly caught the smaller Robot in his arms, before Fresh could even hit the floor. Ink looked at Fresh, worriedly.

"W-What's wrong!? What happened to him?.." Ink asked, freaking out a bit. Error shifted Fresh in his arms a bit, so he can carry him, bridal style.

"Hey, calm down. He just shut offlined. His battery must be very low. Come on, I'll fix is up in my lab.." Error said, as he pulled Fresh close to his chest. Ink nodded. He then spotted Fresh's ripped off arm, laying on the ground, beside the table Fresh was laying in.

Ink then secretly grabbed it, as Error teleported them all to his lab. Error placed Fresh on the table and took his charging cable and plugged it into the smaller Robot and the other end plugged into an empty outlet.

The scientist Glitch turned around to see Ink, holding something behind his back. Error looked at the colorful Scientist, suspiciously and confused.

"Ink, what's that behind your back?" Error asked, as he raised an eye ridge. Ink nervously smiled at him.

"U-Um, n-nothing!!" Ink quickly replied. Error looked at Ink, with a stern, 'Show it or shits gonna go down if you don't' look (I'm sorry I had to swear xD). Ink sighed, as he showed Fresh's other half of Fresh's broken arm sheepishly.

"Where did you get that!? Give me that! Atleast I won't have to make a new arm for him now and, what are you going to do this since you were hiding it?.." Error asked, as he placed the arm beside the table Fresh was laying in. Ink rubbed his neck nervously.

"Weeell, since Fresh was so well built, I thought I could make a Robot just like him, with the help of the arm.." Ink explained, as he fiddled with his hands behind his back, grinning sheepishly. Error smirked.

"You don't need Fresh's arm to make a Robot, just like him You can still build your own Robot, even without that arm. You made a wall of paint-related weapons all by yourself!" Error encouraged, as he placed an arm on Ink's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. Ink confidently smiled and nodded vigorously, ae he looked at Error with stars in his eyes.

"I will! Thanks, Error! Oh, also I need to get back to my lab. See ya, Error!" Ink said. Error nodded, waving goodbye to Ink. The colorful scientist waved back and then teleported back to his lab. Error sighed, as he turned around. He glanced at the computer screen, that was showing what percentage the smaller Robot's energy was at.
//Battery Percentage...

Error looked at the screen confused for a second, before realizing that all the broken, cracked and dented legs, arm and body of the smaller Robot was slowly decreasing Fresh's energy to function. Not to mention, his left arm was practically ripped right off of him and oil was still leaking out of it and wires was still spazzing out electricity.

Error also realized that all Fresh's injuries were only slowing his progress on his battery to charge up. Error grabbed his tool box and some spare parts and started fixing the smaller Robot, because the writer of this frickin' story is so lazy and inconsiderate-

A few hours later, Error wiped the sweat from gis forehead and looked at the now fixed up smaller Robot. He looked down at himself. He was covered, from head to toe in oil. Error looked back at Fresh, before heading to the showers.

Once he was done, he walked back to the table, Fresh was laying on. Error looked at the computer screen.

//Battery Percentage...

Error sighed and took a seat next to the table. He folded his hands on the table and layed his head down on it, slowly falling asleep, hoping that Fresh will be okay.

{I'm really sorry, that you guys have to wait for this! But, here it is and I hope you like it! By the way the word 'you' is 666}

Note: I know some Robots doesn't need oil but whatever! -_-

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