Chapter 11: Just cuddles and fluff

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Error slowly woke up and yawned. Once he ws fully awake, he glanced at the screen, as he rubbed his eyesockets tiredly.

//Battery Percentage...


Error quickly stood up, as he looked at the screen then at the smaller Robot, who was laying-

"Wait what?!" Error exclaimed, as he looked around frantically. Fresh was gone. He was missing!

"Fresh?! Fresh, are you here!? Where are you?!" Error called out, panicking slightly. He was about to teleport over to Nightmare's lair, when suddenly, someone called out to him.

"Haha, Master, calm down. I'm right here!" A voice said, follwed by a childish giggle. Error turned around to see, Fresh with a smile.

"Fresh! I'm glad you're okay! I thought you were gone!" Error sighed in relief, as he walked over to Fresh, hugging him tightly. Fresh chuckled and hugged back.

"Oh Master, you worry too much about me." Fresh teased slightly, as he let go of Error. The scientist could feel his cheeks heat up, as he smirked.
"Yeah, well, who wouldn't be? With a adorable face like yours, it's hard not to be worried!" Error realized what he said and blushed a dark yellow. Fresh felt his metal cheeks heat up, as he giggled and got on his tippy toes and kissed Error on the cheek, making the scientist blush more. Error smiled, as he took his tea and drank it. He looked at Fresh from top to bottom. He forgot Fresh's clothes were torn and a bit dirty. Error placed his tea down and took him by the hand.

"Master? Where are we going?" Fresh asked curiously. "I forgot your clothes were a bit tattered. So, I'm gonna give you some new clothes!" Error answered, as he brought Fresh inside his room. Fresh looked around the room, curiously. Fresh has never been inside his Creator's room. His program wouldn't let him. Error chuckled at his curiosity and looked through his wardrobe.

A few minutes later, Error found a large magenta hoodie(that 'somehow' ended up in his wardrobe) and some plain grey shorts for Fresh to wear. Error walked over to Fresh and gave the clothes to him.

"Here, these should be good eneough. I'm sorry that I didn't make some back up clothes for you and sorry, that's all the clothes I can give you.." Error said, as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. Fresh rolled his eyes, as he chuckled, taking the clothes.

"That's quite alright, Master, and also when did you get this magenta hoodie? Do you like the color magenta?~" Fresh teased, as he giggled. Error blushed more, as he walked out of his room.

"First, I don't know how it got there. I just found it in my wardrobe. Second.. Maybe... J-Just call me when you're done changing!" Error said, closing the door, as he waited outside for Fresh to finish changing. Sure, Fresh is a Robot. But Error respects Fresh's privacy to change, even though he was a Robot. Once Fresh eas done he called out.

"I'm done!" Fresh opened the door, as he looked at Error. The glitch blushed, as he stared at the smaller Robot. The hoodie he gave him was a bit too big for him, it almost covered most of his shorts.

"Yeah, heh, the jacket is a little too-!" Fresh squeaked in surprise when he was suddenly engulfed in a bear hug. Fresh felt his cheeks heat up, hugging back and smiling a bit. Error pulled back, with a grin on his face, as golden blush covered his dark cheeks.

"My gosh, Freshy!! You are so adorable!!" Error exclaimed, while thinking to himself, 'Control yourself, Error, control yourself!!'. Fresh giggled, feeling his cheeks heat up more.

"Why thank you, Master! Might I say, you're very handsome aswell!" Fresh realized what he said, feeling himself overheating(flustered). Error blushed and chuckled.

"You're welcome and thanks!" Error then got an idea. He picked the smaller Robot up,  princess style(Well that's new)  and walked inside the room, locking the door behind them with his magic.

Fresh squeaked in surprise when he was suddenly picked up. He looked up at his Creator curiously, as he was lated down on Error's bed.

"M-Master?.." Fresh started. Errod then crawled next to him, laying down on his side as he hugged the smaller Robot by the waist, hugging him close to his chest.

"Sshh.. Let's go to sleep.." Error mumbled lightly, with a grin still plastered on his face. Fresh smiled, turning himself and then burying his head on Error's chest, hugging him back.

"I love you, Fresh.." Error then slowly fell asleep. Fresh smiled more, as he fell into a peaceful recharge.

"I love you too.. Error..."

A/N: Credits to, EpicAnimatez, for helping me with this chapter. Hah! You thought there was gonna be a lemon in the part where Error suddenly picked Fresh up? Well, now that I think about it. What do you guys think I should do?

Make a Lemon?



A/N: Oh also, here's some drawings of Fresh's new look.

A/N: Oh also, here's some drawings of Fresh's new look

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