Chapter 4: Feelings for his Creator

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Rebooting systems... 80%
Rebooting systems... 90%
Rebooting systems... 100%
Rebooting systems... Complete!
Sensors activating...
Systems online...

Fresh slowly opened his eyeplates, groaning a bit from how stiff his body was. His eyes scanned the are for a bit.

Until his eyes landed on his Creator, who had his back turned to him and didn't know he was online already.

It seems that he was too focused on his work to notice him, already awake. Fresh looked at Error for a little bit longer and then slowly took his charging cable off him, while he tried to get off the table he was laying in.

Though he was having difficulty doing so, because the table he was laying in was a bit high and he was a bit short. So, he tried to be as quiet as possible, to not disturb his Creator from his work. He got on his tippy toes to get on the floor. He manages at first, but then...

He slipped, making himself yelp and land on his metal bum (XD). Error jumped at the sudden noise, as he snapped his head to look at what interrupted him. Error gasped. Make that who. The scientist Glitch stopped what he was dping and rushed towards the smaller Robot, with a worried expression.

"Fresh, are you alright!?" Error asked, as Fresh rubbed his metal bottom, wincing from the new small dent on the side of his hip. Fresh looked up at his Creator, feeling his metal cheeks over heat.

"M-My apologies, Master Error! I m-must have slip!.. I-I'm sorry, I have disturbed you from your work!" Fresh said embarrassingly, as he nervously smiled at his Creator. Error smiled softly, as he picked Fresh up, bridal style, making the smaller Robot squeak in surprise. Error blinked and looked down at the smaller Robot in his arms.

"Fresh, what was thaat?~" Error asked teasingly, as he smirked. Fresh felt his cheeks overheat again, but this time, his fans were active, trying to cool him down.

"O-Oh, t-that was nothing, Master!!" The smaller Robot stuttered, in embarrasment. His Creator chuckled, subconsciously pulling Fresh closer to his chest.

"M-Master?.." Now it was Error's turn to feel embarrasment. Error blushed a dark yellow, as he placed the smaller Robot on the table.

"N-Nothing!.. I-I'm fine..." Error said, feeling a bit flustered. They stared at each other for a bit, as an awkward silence, filled the room. Until...

"W-Would you like some tea, Master Error?.." Fresh asked, breaking the silence. Error jumped slightly, as he adjusted his glass nervously.

"U-Um, S-Sure!" Error agreed, as he grabbed Fresh by the waist and then set him down on the floor gently. Fresh smiled sweetly at Error, as he walked towards the kitchen, with the taller blushing and sometimes glancing over at the smallers hips sway(( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)).

When they had arrived at the kitchen, Fresh headed over to the counter, fetching a kettle and then filling it up with water. He then placed it on the counter, as he grabbed a wet rag and cleaned the stove. The wet rag then somehow fell to the ground. Upon not noticing his Creator was watching him, he bend over to pick it up, making Error be a blushing mess and to squeal silently (And having a major nosebleed and a boner ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)).

Fresh leaned back up and grabbed the kettle filled with water and placed it ontop of the stop and then turning it on, in a medium-high temperature. He turned around to his Creator.

"It will take a while for te water to boil, Master." Fresh said, as he folded his hands infront of, in a good manner and walked towards Error. Error nodded, as he motionedf to a chair across from him.

"S-Sure, you can sit here while we wait." Fresh nodded, as he sat across from his Creator. They then began to tell stories and cracked jokes and puns here and there, just having a good time.

Fresh giggled at Errors attempt in flirting with him, but he didn't really heard it because of the steam blowing off from the kettle. Error cursed under his breath quietly, as he watched the smaller Robot grab his favorite mug and then grabbing some oven-mitts and carefully grabbed the kettle, pouring some water into the mug.

'Dang kettle. I almost had it with him!' Error thought, but it was then interrupted by Fresh placing his tea down beside him.

"Thank you, Fresh.." Error said, as he carefully grabbed his tea and sipped it. Fresh nodded back, as he went back to the counter. But was cut off by his Creator, grabbing his hand. He turned to Error, feeling his cheeks heat up, as he looked at him.

"M-Master?.." Fresh asked, as he looked at Error, confused and quite curious to what he was gonna say. Error glanced to the side a bit and then looked at the smaller Robot, nervously smiling.

"Do... D-Do you want to go somewhere? I.. I have to show you something.." Error slightly cursed himself for stuttering. Fresh felt his metal cheeks heat up more, his fans were active again, trying to cool him down.

"S-Sure!" Fresh responded, with a small smile appearing on his face. Error smiled more, as he left his tea (Sorry, Tea, I have someone new now XD) on the table and then standing up.

He took Fresh's hand and then guided him to an elevator. Error pushed a button, as they waited patiently for their floor to arrive. Fresh looked up at his Creator.

"Master, what do you want to show me? And may I ask, where we're going?" Fresh asked, curiously. Error chuckled.

"Well, if I'd tell you. It wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?" Error answered playfully. Fresh blinked for a second and then smiled a bit, as he felt his cheeks overheat again. Never this past few weeks, had he seen his Creator smile so much or respond to him playfully or teasefully. He smiled more.

Yep, this is going in his 'Most cherished memories with his Creator!' File. He felt his metal cheeks heat up more, as he glanced a bit at the taller, as the elevator doors opened.

'I think I'm inlove with my Creator...'

{Note: To Fresh, overheat or heat up is blushing.}

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