Part 4 - Manchester City v. Manchester United.

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*Alex's POV* 

Nathan hadn't mentioned anything about our 'plans' for today, so I 'forgot' about them and went home, I was still in his joggers and one of his tops... That was clean... Surprisingly.

*Terri's POV* 

Phone buzzed again, can't a woman be left in peace whilst packing? Obviously not. And yet again, it was a text message.

From Eric; 

Packing are we? Where you off to?;)

Why won't this creep leave me alone? All I want is a normal life. I just hope I can have that soon.

'And if you know, how do you get up from an all time low?' Shit, that scared the hell outta me. Erugh, Caller ID - Siva.

“Terri! How comes your coming to London?”

“Seev! I need to speak to you, so I can explain, is there any chance you can fly home then take me back with you?” I asked,

“Sure...” he sounded worried but I think I was the most worried one in this situation.

“Thank you so much. “

“ T?”

“Yes Seev?” 

“Don't worry. I'll speak to Jayne and arrange a time for me to fly out, as soon as possible.”

“Thank you.” I repeated, a small smile appearing on my face.

“You’re welcome!”

“Seev, text me with the details and stuff, I've gotta go tidy, so I'll speak soon! Bye big bro! Love you!”

“Bye T! Take care, miss and love you loads!” And with that I hung up, my life was falling to pieces, why didn't I listen to Kumar and Siva. Oh, Kumar? He left to go to America, perusing his modelling. Everyone has job, then there's me... Mum hates my guys and the rest of the family think I'm a disgrace...

*Nathan's POV* 

I knocked on the door, luckily Alex seemed to forget our plans to go out today, thank god, I'm terrible at lying... A young girl around my age, 16, answered the door, snapping me out of my daydreams, I looked up. Wow. She had amazing shoulder length brown hair with green eyes you could get lost in, she was quite tall, well my height at least...

"So you’re the boy Alex doesn't shut up about and calls her bestfriend?"

"Erm, must be" I replied winking, she smiled,

"Hollie, your Nathan right?" 

"Yeah, nice to meet you Hollie" I replied, looking straight into her gorgeous green eyes, the way the sparkled in the light was perfect, she blushed and I smiled, 

"Come in then" she smiled back, flashing her straight white teeth at me, whoa, this girl is good. She stepped aside letting me enter the home.

"So, Alex's birthday plans."

*Max's POV*

Me and Tom were off to the pub, to watch Manchester United v. Manchester City... Surprised Nathan didn't come but he had 'more important things to do'... WHAT COULD BE MORE IMPORTANT THEN FOOTBALL? Weird teenager. We arrived to see the usual people other than the bunch of girls in there pub, most of them wearing Man City shirts... Score! Literally, the game had just started and Manchester City was already 1-0 up. Nath wouldn't be too pleased. Tom was already chatting one of the group of girls up, only that boy, he's a good boy really. I carried on watching the game until one of the girls walked over, she looked straight at me, and smiled

"You’re Max George right? From The Wanted? Who just released All Time Low?" she asked, sending 3 questions my way in less than a minute.

"Yes, yes and yes" I replied simply, smiling back. She tucked a piece of her gorgeous, long, wavy, brown hair behind her ear as she went to talk again, 

"Oh, my group of crazy friends wanted to know, but no-one wanted to ask because they're fans..."

"Oh" I waved at them, they giggled and went back to gossiping, pretty loudly to be honest; I heard 'Max George' and 'The Wanted' be mentioned quite a few times. I smiled to myself and went back to my conversation,

"So your name is?" 


"Aw, that's sweet" I replied she smiled, flashing her teeth, I returned it before I carried on getting to know her.

*Sunny's POV*

It got pretty late, most of the girls went home and so did everyone else, there was now just me, Max, the two bartenders and 3 other regulars, plus Tom who now belting out parts of All Time Low, loudly and outta time, if a record label walked in here right now they wouldn't call him a pop star... To be fair he was completely hammered. Max and I laughed at him until he fell on his face. I turned back to Max as he sighed,

"What's up?"

"I should probably get Tom home..."

"Oh" to be honest, I didn't want him to go, but he probably has girls throwing themselves at him, so he wouldn't remember me,

"Um, Sunny?" 


"I really enjoyed myself tonight, and I would love to do it again, if that's what you want?" he sounded worried, I know how he felt, putting yourself on the line, feeling vulnerable. I smiled,

"Course I would Mr. George"

"Great" he replied pulling out his phone, and fiddling with it, he smiled to himself, holding it out to me, gesturing for me to type my number in, I took it from his hands, typing my number in, and handing it back to him, after a minute or two he looked impressed with himself, I leaned over and looked down at his blackberry. He had a picture of me, he just took it, and my number saved under 'Sunny X', he stood up, grabbing his jacket, kissing my cheeks and whispering 

"I'll text you later" into my ear, causing my stomach erupt with butterflies. I smiled to myself as I watched him steady Tom on two feet and help him outside into a taxi.

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