Part 13 - I love you.

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*Emma's POV*

Me and Seev ended up going back to mine and Sunny's flat last night, then he walked me to Starbucks, we all order our drinks and talked about everything – me and Seev's date, Sunny's night with the boys, Alex's friend Harry and Terri's events of last night - I embarrassed myself, Sunny told them about Tom's temper tantrum and Terri told us about Siva's childhood memories and stuff, most of them cute but others were disgusting like when he was younger a steel lid of a coal bunker fell of and hit his nose, leaving a scar, causing Alex to cringe and go to the toilet. Terri turned to up, worry swept across her face

"Guys, Nathan wants to talk to Alex."

"How comes?"

"I don’t know, he text her yesterday about her singing because we thought it'd be funny to completely destroy All Time Low as we walked past the house, then she was confused because he told her not to talk to her, blah, blah, blah, so I asked him about it and he said he didn't really mean it, I'm just not sure whether to take her round there..."

"Maybe you should, it could be the one time they can talk and get the relationship back on track." Sunny suggested, Terri nodded,

"How about we all go round and if Alex wants to talk to him then she can?" I added,

"Sounds like plan" Terri agreed, she didn't seem so worried anymore, Alex came back from the toilet and we decided to head back to the boys. We walked the long way back, catching up, Terri and I were speaking,

"So how come you moved to London?"

"Erm, well, I met this boy and we started going out together, he was sweet and then about 2 months into it, he started to get really protective, and every time I went out without him I would apparently be meeting other men and cheating on him, never would I ever do that, then when I broke it off he would text me and start stalking me, I never really cared, so I didn't get the police involved, after continuous months of texts, phone calls and voice mails, I just decided enough was enough and left, my relationship with my mum was already at breaking point so there was no reason to stay behind"

"Oh, have you told Siva?"

"Nope, please don't tell him Em, he'll get worried..."

"I won't but you did the right thing hun" I smiled sympathetically, I really didn't think that there would be a massive reason behind it all but you should never assume really, then she asked how I met Siva, I wonder if she remembers me...

*Terri's POV*

Me and Em was having a conversation about life when I asked her about Siva,

"Well, Sunny met Max and he invited her round, she asked if she could bring me, he agreed then of course Siva was there, but I knew Siva before..." What does that mean..?

"What do you mean?" I questioned, confused, wrecking my brain for an explanation,

"Do you remember this?" she pulled out her phone, showing me a picture, one of me, Siva and a girl, "That little girl is me..." she continued,

"Emma? You look nothing like you used too!"

"I wondered if you'd remember me, you were so young when you left..." she giggled,

"Of course, I didn't know it was you, and how could I forget, at least once a month, Siva used to try and bribe mum to take us for a trip back to you so we could see you, never worked though." I smiled,

"Really?" she asked surprised,

"Course. He'd always make sure I remembered who you were, but you were always 'Emma - that we moved away from - the girl in the picture’ we never had any recent pictures, Siva couldn't find you on Facebook or Twitter, but he never forgot you."

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