Paty 5(a) - Ireland!

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*Terri's POV*

I woke up from a text from Siva,

From Siva:

Heya T! Got a flight booked for later on tonight, I'll meet you at home?

To Siva:

Yeah, thanks for doing this Seev!

I replied quickly before walking downstairs quietly, careful not to wake mum up, she hates me as it is, and she's not about to like me anymore, at least now I won't have to deal with it daily. I just need to break the news to Siva without him hating me... Tricky stuff.

*Sunny's POV*

I woke up as the sun streamed through the plum purple curtains; I rolled over looking at the time. 11:20, wow, that was a good sleep, nearly a full 12 hours. The memories of last night flooded into my mind making me smile, I stretched before getting out of bed, pulling myself over to the wardrobe and grabbing my black skinny jeans with my black vest top as well as my pink see-through top, just to add colour. I grabbed new underwear and walked through to my en-suite to get changed. After I had done that, I grabbed my pyjama's laying them underneath my pillow, then picking up my Manchester City shirt and my dark blue shorts that I wore yesterday and threw them into the washing basket by my door, picking up my converse and putting them on the shoe rack by my door, before grabbing my hairbrush and running it through my hair, before leaving it naturally wavy, half way down my back. I grabbed my phone off my desk and turned the plug off, then walking through to the front room, as my flat mate Emma walked out of the kitchen with two omelettes, both ham and cheese, she handed me one plus a knife and fork before sitting next to me and flicking Jeremy Kyle on, what a way to start the morning. My phone buzzed from beside me on the arm of the chair, Emma threw daggers my way, she hates it when people interrupt Jeremy Kyle. I smiled gratefully back at her before focusing back on my phone, I opened the message,

From Unknown number:

Hey Sunny, Max here, wondered if you wanted to meet up again today? I'll understand if you don't.

I smiled to myself, aw, he's so understanding, before replying,

To unknown number:

Heya Max, you’re so understanding, but I'd love to meet up again today, give me a time and place, I'll be there:-)

Okay, come on, who wouldn't go out with Max George from The Wanted? I carried on eating until my phone buzzed again, earning yet another set of daggers from Emma,

"Emma, it's a TV programme, you can catch up on that, this is a person I can't catch up on" I joke, she smiled before muttering under her breath, give her 10 minutes and she'll want to know who I've been texting, nosey cow. I joke, me and Emma went to the same sixth form, we found out we were going to the same collage, studying the same course, so we started speaking to each other, we're practically sisters now. We know everything about each other, well I tell her everything, I know she had a rough childhood and she finds it hard to speak about it, so I leave that part, Em clicked her fingers in front of my face snapping me outta my thoughts,

"Are you gonna read your message or not?"

I smiled and opened the new message,

From Unknown number:

Erm, how about I meet you at the park gates just down the road from the pub we met at last night in 15 if you’re ready?:-)

To Unknown number: 

Okay, I'll be there, see you soon!:-)

I smiled to myself again before Emma asked who I was texting, I replied 'Max' without giving to much information away, I finished the omelette and walked out to the kitchen, placing the plate and knife and fork on the side, I walked through to my bedroom, grabbing my bag with my purse and sunglasses in, as well as my earphones, slipping my white converse and looking in the mirror.

*Emma's POV*

"Em, I'm going out to meet Max, I'll be back later, should be home for dinner, I'll do the washing up when I get back, have fun! Bye!" then the door shut, another day alone, great. I decided to tidy the flat, it needed a good clean, so I grabbed the polish, bleach, etc and got the hover and started to tidy.

*Max's POV*

I just left the house, the boys don't know that I've met Sunny and Tom doesn't remember anything from last night, he was too drunk, I walked down the road to the little park to see Sunny already standing there, she had her back turned to me and her earphones in, I snuck up behind her and poked her sides, she jumped and turned round, before giggling, my god, that's one cute laugh. She smiled before we got into a conversation about life, she asked me a few questions about the band and how the others were but other then that she asked about my childhood and dreams before the band, thing is, she didn't treat me as Max George from The Wanted, she treats me as Max George, a random male that grew up in Manchester and I like that, a lot.

*Siva's POV*

I packed my stuff for later on, must be a pretty serious thing if Terri wanted me to fly out to her, I zipped my suitcase up and sat in the front room for another hour before I had to leave, time passed pretty quickly, so I said bye to all the boys and grabbed my suitcase, throwing it into the car and climbing into the driver’s side, I turned on the radio and left for Ireland. 

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