Part 17 - Rehearsals.

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*Alex's POV*

I walked into the house with my bags, Siva me a hug after Jay had literally jumped on me and then I prepared myself next was Nathan...

"Erm, guys? Why's Alex's stuff he-" he stopped when he see me,

"Hi Nath." I smiled,

"Hi Alex." he smiled back, but it was forced you could tell, "Err, why is your stuff here?"

"She's coming on tour!" Max told him from behind me, putting his arm around me, Nathan's face dropped slightly, but then he smiled, not fake this time,

"Aw, should be fun then!" he stuttered, quiet surprised that I'd go along with that, he wandered off to the kitchen so I followed him. He was standing making tea,

"Nath?" he turned around,

"Oh, hey." he smiled softly,

"If you don't want me to come on tour I won't..."

"No it's fine, honestly, I've missed having my best friend around." he muttered shyly, looking at the floor,

"Aw, Nath, I've missed you too." I said back, he smiled again; he seemed to have lost that little sparkle in his eye that was there before... I pulled him in for a hug, not caring whether he returned it or not and to be honestly I wasn't expecting him too but he did and just knowing that he didn't hate my guts was a whole load of pressure I didn't have to deal with later.

After 10 minutes of joking around with the boys Jayne walked through the door,

"You guys and Alex ready?" she asked, not forgetting me, I loved Jayne, since Nath got into this band she's been so supportive and when the boys asked for me to go on tour and explained the whole situation to her she seemed to be more on my side then Hollie's... Which to be honest, I was thankful for... We grabbed our stuff and loaded it onto the bus, I grabbed one of the bottom bunks, Nathan's bunk on top of mine, Siva and Jay in another one whilst Tom and Max opposite, I smiled to myself,

"Right you've got the whole day to get comfy whilst we travel then tomorrow the tour starts!" Jayne said, clapping her hands like a little girl, she was always so enthusiastic and she's always believed in the boys, the boys laughed at her enthusiasm,

"Boys, you seem to forget, she's in charge of your record deals..." I piped up, Jayne high-fived me and the boys went quiet,

"Exactly!" she announced poking her tongue our childishly and she walked away to Martin and Kev.

*Max's POV*

We ended up playing truth or dare,

"Alex's go!" Jay shouted pointing at her,

"Right, truth or dare?"


"Okay, first kiss?"

"Err..." she closed her eyes, remembering "Okay, I was 15, I was on holiday in Turkey and I met this boy, Ryan..." I watched as she re-lived the memory, Nathan's face dropped a little, either he remembers this and something happened or he didn't know,

"What did he look like?" Tom pushed,

"Okay, he had a blonde Justin Bieber fringe sort of hair and amazing piercing blue eyes, I found out he was moving to London to, we'd be dating for 6 months, then things kinda come to a sticky end..."

"How comes?" Tom wanted to dig even deeper,

"Er, he got jealous of mine and Nathan's closeness, he started being really clingy and so, I ended up breaking off with me, since then he spread rumours that I was a slut and stuff like that, most of the girls in my year hated me, considering I was dating the hottest boy in our year..." she stiffened up, I glared at Tom, Nathan reached over and put his hand on Alex's shoulder, she jumped a bit but calmed down and ended up in Nathan's arms, maybe he could just forget about Hollie, and it'd go back to normal, plus Sunny, Em and Terri. It got quite late so we all headed off to bed, well me, Jay, Siva and Tom did, leaving Nathan to wake Alex up.

*Tom's POV*

"THOMAS!" Jayne shouted, getting my attention, it's 6 in the morning and we're doing one quick full rehearsal before we have a break and some lunch ready for the sound check which some fans will be watching,

"Yes Jayne?" I asked sweetly

"This is Lisa; she'll be your dancer for this tour." Jayne introduced, us before walking off,

"Hey Lisa"

"Hi" she mumbled, looking at the floor, her short brown hair falling in front of her face,

"You ready for a month of mayhem?" I asked, trying to make a conversation.

"Yeah, I've heard you lot are crazy and even worse on a night out." she said, more clearly this time looking up at me as she did, she was smaller than me but it was cute. I smiled down at her; looking into her gorgeous light blue eyes,

"Right let’s get this going, first song!" Jayne clapped her hands, hurrying along the stage to the other side, leaving us and the dancers on stage, the first song started and the music blasted through the stadium. We haven't actually had the dancers with us, we're nothing to do with them, they just dance around us as we do our thing, I looked over at the rest, they were all smiling, then I looked to Nathan the other side to me, he looked nervous, I'll get Seev to speak to him afterwards. I got into my place, Lisa started dancing in time with the music and the other dancers, every so often I'd glance at her, her hair covered her face most of the times, she's quite cute. I smiled to myself as we started the Taio Cruz medley that we'd practiced so many times, just to get it right. These next few weeks are going to be crazy! But I've got the boys... and food.

*Siva's POV*

We've finished! A whole hour and half of rehearsals for the first time with lights, dancers and everything at half 6 is hard. Why so early? Of course if something was missing we'd have more time to fix it then! Common sense as Em, would say speaking of Emma, I grabbed my phone and text her,

To Em:

How are you? Rehearsals starting at 6 isn't fun... But buzzing for later! X

I didn't expect a reply, it's only 7:30 am but within a minute or two I had one,

From Em:

I'm great thanks and I'm guessing you’re tired? You'll be great only 3 weeks and 6 days till I can see your beautiful face again! X

I smiled, replying quickly before climbing onto my bunk and grabbing my laptop, and logging into twitter to reply to some of the fanmily, some of them almost as ecstatic as me other couldn't go and others looking forward to more dates such as ones in Sheffield and Nottingham. I replied to a few European fans although we don't have many, we're not that big but apparently we have many more tunes to release and I can't wait, only downside, more time away from T and Em... of course the other girls too but yeah.

*Jay's POV*

"No Jay, you cannot go and get drunk after tonight’s show, no alcohol!" Jayne punished, last time I got drunk I woke up at my friends house in Manchester, don't know how to be honest, we started off in London... Erugh. A whole month without alcohol? I'll barley live, I'll just turn to skittles...

3 weeks, 6 days till I see Libby... no alcohol and no girlfriend... Kill me now. At least I can make up with all that I've missed at a massive party in London after we get back from London straight after we finished the whole tour! It's going to be immense; I picked up my phone, pressing the green button on the top person on the recent calls,

"Jay!" she called excitedly down the phone,

"Hiya love!" I soothed back,

"How were rehearsals?" She asked sweetly, knowing I hate waking up early,

"I suppose it's all worth it!" I smiled to myself,

"Bird, the girls arrived, we're off out so I'll text you then I'll call you before the show, bet you'll be like a little kid!"

"Bye Libs, I love you."

"Bye James, I love you too!" I hung up and went to pester Siva, the rest were off out doing something with Alex as she'd begged them too. Now just excited for tonight’s show!

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