Part 8 - Two months later.

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*Nathan's POV*

I woke up, remembering everything that happened last night, smiling to myself as I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to make tea, in my grey joggers and no top,

"Someone got lucky AGAIN last night." Tom muttered,

"What the hell?"

"You know, you only walked around with no top on when you had sex the night before..." Jay added,

"Hold up, Jay, do you know how much your gayness showed through then? Jaythan lives on!" Max pointed out whilst laughing,

"So... You still with Hollie?" Siva asked, between them they ask this question everyday!

"Yes! Do we have a problem?" I asked back,

"No why?" Siva asked again, surprised,

"Well, between you, at least once a day I get asked if I'm still with her, so what, and if you carry on going it's going to get to a point where it'll slip out in front of Alex!"

"Nathan, you’re going to have to tell her, you've blown her off for at least once a week for the last 7 weeks! It's bad enough that you two don't talk, imagine what it's going to be like when you tell her why and who for! She's going to go mad! And if you don't tell her, then what happens if you two end up getting married and having kids, what you gonna do, hid the kids from Alex, keep them out of the press and not invite YOUR best friend to YOUR wedding?! And if she finds out your with someone what are you going to say? 'Oh, hi Alex, yeah, I have a wife/girlfriend, but you can't meet her, you two won't get along, sorry!' Yeah like that's gonna work!" he almost shouted, getting angry,

"Oh, Tom shut up already, forward thinking much! She'll find out, I'm telling her this week, and she's meeting her this week too! Okay, now you lot have to be ready by 7 on Tuesday night, I've got a surprise birthday party planned for Alex, you guys are taking her for a meal, I'll meet you there, don't tell her I'm going, she'll be used to that by now..." I mumbled the last part, whilst making myself tea,

"Halle-bloody-lujah! He's realised that him and Alex hardly even talk or see each other! At least he's making the effort to do something for her birthday" Tom pointed out, I sighed,

"I told you to shut it Tom!" I almost shouted, feeling my blood boil, "Anyway, she needs to be dressed ready to party; I'll give you the address Tuesday morning! Libby, Sunny and her friend can come as well as Terri, she's practically Alex's new best friend! Now I'm going out to meet Hollie, bye!" I walked out tea in hand and went up to get ready, ready for the day ahead with Hollie. I raked my hand through my hair, thinking how bad me and Alex have got, we barely speak to each other, I text he at least once a week, but that's only to tell her that I can meet up, she's rarely here when I am and we can't be in the same room together without it being awkward, but she'll forgive me Tuesday right? And she'll be happy for me? That's it, I've lost the plot, I'm talking to myself...

*Alex's POV*

I woke up to a text, from Nathan again, this happens every time we were supposed to be meeting each other, does he think I'm blind? He's done it for the last 2 bloody months now! I just wish he could see what he's doing to me; I looked at the message,

From Nathan:

Alex, I'm sorry but I've got to go home to Jess Tuesday, I know it's your birthday, I tried to get out of it, but apparently it's important, I'll be back late Tuesday night, so I'll see you Wednesday, sorry:(

My heart wanted to believe this, but of course my head wouldn't let it, I had to ask Jess...

To Jess:

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