Part 7 - Second home and a new bestfriend.

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*Tom's POV*

We all sat at the park, munching on crisps and snacks, Alex was lying on the floor and I was throwing bits of brownies at her

"Thomas Anthony Parker, stop throwing brownie at me or..."

"Or what?" I interrupted and mimed her but in a higher, squeakier voice,

"I'll get Max to beat you up!" she said turning to Max, I laughed and finished throwing the rest of the brownie at her, I got up and moved from her, me being stupid had my back turned for less the 30 seconds when something hit my head, I turned around and Alex was hiding behind Max, the ball bouncing lightly in front of me, I picked it up and bounced it before throwing it towards Alex making her scream slightly, me, Jay and Max laughed at her before deciding to team up in twos and play a short game of football,

"I dibs Alex"

"What that's not fair Max" I wined,

"What's wrong with me?" Jay questioned, acting hurt,

"Jay, you can barely catch or kick a ball!" I moaned, then Jay though it'd be funny to re-act one of my infamous temper tantrums, after a minute or two he got bored and we started, Jay was in goal and I had to score, let's do this.

*Nathan's POV*

Me and Hollie was sat in the back garden, which overlooks the massive park, 5 minutes down the road from us, she'd gone to the shop to get more drink so I watched 4 people team up an start a game of football, one had a mop of curly hair, another was bald, the girl had dark brown curly hair and seemed familiar, it was only when I looked at the other male I realised it was Tom, Max, Jay and Alex, hold on what she doing with them? She's my best friend? I watched as Max and Alex paired up and tackled Tom, although Alex run straight passed Tom, within seconds Tom had landed back first on the ground and Max was dribbling the ball towards Jay, Tom was trying to get up but Alex had wrapped her arms and legs round him meaning he had to pick not only his body weight up, but hers to, he gave up when Max scored, he laid there defeated, Max jogged up, pushed tom off Alex and helped Alex up before picking her up and spinning her round, she threw her head back and laughed, he let her back down and her dark brown curls rested once again, why was she like this? One moment she's with me, next she's with them? My heart dropped slightly, I hadn't seen her laugh like this since the incident in the last year of school, why was she like that with them? My heart dropped ever more when I see Tom kiss her on the cheek and Jay give her a piggyback messing around with her... Surely I'm not jealous, I mean I'm with Hollie now, this great girl with amazing brown hair and hypnotising green eyes, she was perfect in every single way. I heard the front door slam, Hollie must be back, she walked back outside with a bottle of coke and two glasses, she filled them both up and handed one to me, I focused back on Alex and the boys, Hollie was talking but I wasn't really paying attention,



"Why are you staring at her?"


"That girl?"

"Hollie, that's Alex hun, and I wasn't staring I was daydreaming, and before you ask not about her!" she raised her eyebrow,

"So what were you daydreaming about then Sykes?" she asked as she sat herself on my lap, quick thinking, erm...

"Our kiss" I mumbled, phew, that was close, I was daydreaming about Alex, but there's no way I'm telling Hollie about that, she lent in a kissed me, I kissed back of course, she deepened the kiss intensely within every second, soon enough her tongue gained entry to my mouth, mine doing the same, she pulled away, I was enjoying that, I pouted at her,

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