Part 24 - Tomorrow.

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*Lisa's POV* 

"Avatar!" Jay shouted jumping on the sofa pulling Libby down with him.  

"No Jay!" Nathan moaned, 

"You've got no chance Alex brought horrors!" I laughed, Terri agreeing with me, 

"What?" Nathan asked, 

"Aw, you don't like horrors?" Emma asked, 

"Not one bit..." Nathan admitted, 

"Another thing they have in common!" Terri whispered to herself but as I was sitting next to her I heard.  

"That’ll be the pizza!" I giggled, laughing at Tom as he ran out the room and to the front door, clearly eager to eat.  

"What are people up to tomorrow?" Max asked, 

"I'm taking Lisa out!" Tom told us, 

"Are you?" I asked,  

"Yeah. Kinda forgot to tell you..." he mumbled, stuffing his mouth with pizza, 

"Ew. Tom, close your mouth" Em squirmed, 

"Yeah, forgot to tell me" I sighed sarcastically, 

"Don't be sarcastic" Tom muttered yet again, swallowing the mouthful he had, 

"You're the reason I am sarcastic!" I told him, earning a few giggles as I sat back placing my plate - that still had a uneaten pizza slice on - on Tom's lap. He soon ate that piece as well as the ones he had scoffed down. 

"What film as we watching first?" Terri asked placing her plate on the wooden coffee table,  

"Avatar!" Jay squealed running into the living room where we were all sat,  

"No Jay" Nathan moaned,  

"Shut up Nath"  

"What horror are we watching first?" Libby asked, 

"I thought you didn't like horrors?" Jay questioned her, 

"Well they're better than Avatar so I got used to them" 

"What?" Jay asked, hurt that his girlfriend preferred horrors over Avatar "What is this? All pick on Jay day? No fair! First that twat" he spoke, pointing to Tom, "hit me in the balls now everyone’s picking on Avatar!" He continued, stamping his feet on the floor like a 5 year old that’s been told they can't get a toy in a shop.  

"For one, stop throwing a tantrum, that's Tom's job" I interrupted, 

"I wonder what other jobs Tom does" Jay muttered, everyone giggling at the dirtiness of that comment. 

"Hush up Jay!" I threatened, "And two, Avatar is a film..." I added, 

"And you are a person, meaning were picking on a film not you" Terri finished my sentence off, thinking the exact same as I was. I air high-fived her as she was thinking the same as me. 

"That's freaky" Siva spoke, 

"What?" Sunny asked, 

"They thought the exact same"  

"No it's just common sense" Terri giggled, sinking further down into the sofa.

*Mid way through the second film*

*Siva's POV* 

"This is disgusting!" Alex squealed burying her face into the sofa,  

"Tom why do you have this film?" Lisa added to Alex's comment, hiding her face into Tom's chest whilst he just chuckled.  

"I'm leaving!" Nathan announced covering his face with his hands as he got up and left the room, 

A chorus of 'me too's came from around the room, mostly the girls until Em was the last girl in the room.  

"Alright! I'm going now!" she spoke leaving the room and joining the rest someone in the house. 

"Tom this is a bit creepy" I told him- turning round to face him, 

"Yeah, let’s turn it off" he agreed. Jay sprung up and turned the TV off before picking up his phone, 

"Nath- we turned the film off" Jay said into the phone, 

"You really called Nathan when he could be in the next room?" Max chuckles, 

"Yep" Tom shook his head as Jay replied simply.  

"Alright mum, I'll see what I can do..." Nathan trailed off, walking into the living room, Alex walked into the kitchen whilst the other girls joined us.  

"Can we go sit outside?" Sunny asked, smiling at us all, 

"I like that idea" Alex smiled walking back in. We all walked outside as Max lit the fire pit we had made out there and sat around.  

"Where's Alex?" Nathan asked looking round at the rest of us. 

"Happy birthday to you" Alex sung joining us in the back garden; Nathan face palmed himself but turned round to face Alex afterwards.  

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Nathan. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you" everyone chorused smiling as laughing as we did so, as we finished Alex scooped us a bit of the icing from the corner of the chocolate cake and wiped it on Nathan. 

"A!" Nathan moaned, wiping it off with the back of his hand and onto Alex's bare arm. 

"Thanks Nath" she muttered, sarcastically, ruffling his hair with one hand as she placed the cake in front of him.  

"Who wants cake?" Nath squealed like a 6 year old.

*Sunny's POV* 

A chorus of 'me's came from all ten of us, 

"Alright calm down, you're like bloody hyena's..." Nathan chirped, cutting the cake and handing it out onto plates that Em had gone and got.  

"Alex, mum wants us to go back to Gloucester tomorrow, you up for it?" Nathan asked, 

"Hell yeah!" Alex replied, giggling. 

"Jess can't wait to see you" Nathan smiled, 

"You and Jess are so cute" I smiled at Nathan, 

"You and Max are cute" Em giggled, 

"Hold up how did we go from sister and brother to boyfriend and girlfriend" Max asked, 

"Blame this one of here" Libby spoke up, poking Emma's shoulder. 

"Shh" Emma giggled, leaning into Siva's shoulder, as I looked around at everyone- everyone but three were cuddled in, Libby and Jay, Em and Siva, Tom and Lisa then Max and I, leaving Nath, Alex and Terri sitting around chatting to the rest.

Whatever happens, one thing’s for sure,  

I will never forget these people, moments and days.

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