Part 26 - Promises aren't hard to make.

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*Sunny's POV* 

"So when are we moving?" Tom asked, pulling Lisa down onto his lap as he did so. 

"In the next 2 weeks meaning you've got to start packing" Siva informed us, 

"I can't wait for it all" Em smiled broadly up at Siva, 

"Me either" he whispered back, kissing her quickly before smiling at her back. 

"You're moving in with us" Max muttered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine, 

"I know" I mumbled back, resting my head on his chest, "And I cannot wait" I continued, wrapping my arms round Max's torso, hugging him tightly. 

"We need to go and put the flat up for sale soon Sunny" Emma reminded me, 

"Great" I moaned, 

"It'll be fine, I promise" Max spoke softly, making me want to fall asleep.  

"Thanks Max" I smiled. It's mid day yet I'm knackered. 

"Come on" and with that Max picked me up carefully and carried me upstairs, placing him on my bed, I smiled and thanked him as he threw a top and a pair of his joggers at me for me to get changed into. 

"I'll be back" Terri shouted from downstairs, loud enough for us all to hear before the front door slammed shut. 

"I'll leave you to it" Max smiled, leaving the room and running downstairs. I pulled my jeans and top off, folding them up and placing them at the end of Max's bed before slipping the grey bottoms over my legs and the white top over my petite body. 

Soon enough I placed my stuff on top of my bag that I had brought with me yesterday, I laid down in Max's bed, smiling knowing that in less than a month, I'll be living with Max constantly... And the boys too!  

"You more comftable now?" Max asked, walking back into the room with two mugs in his hand. 

"Man City's on later" I told him, checking my phone, 

"I know baby" he smiled, placing the cups down and climbing into the bed beside me, placing his arm around me. 

"I love you" I smiled,  

"I love you too beautiful" he smiled back, kissing me passionately. I giggled as we both pulled away, gasping for breath. 

"Thomas" we heard Lisa squeal from downstairs,  

"Them two never shut up!" Max moaned. 

"Yep" I agreed. "Is Lisa moving in too?" I asked, continuing. This hadn't been brought up at all yet... 

"I'm not sure hun, Tom hadn't said anything to us and to be honest I don't think he's said anything to Lisa herself" Max sighed, pulling me closer. 

"It'd be fun for us all to live together" I stated. 

"Yeah, but Alex and Terri wouldn't live here" Max told me,  

"True..." I sighed, hiding my face in Max's chest. "But I still don't know how Nathan and Alex aren't together" I admitted, mumbling into his chest, 

"None of us do" Max agreed with me, sighing too. "Come on, go to sleep, you're shattered" Max smiled, changing the subject completely.  

"Alright then mister" I giggled, cuddling him tightly, closing my eyes and listening to Max's heartbeat as his chest rose and fell with my head laying on top... And soon enough I was asleep peacefully.

*Siva's POV* 

"Have you started packing yet?" Em asked, looking up at me, 

"Nope!" I answered honestly, 

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