Part 21 - Heartbreak already?

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*Terri’s POV*




“What did you do?” I asked, being immature and inappropriate,


“Second time within seconds of each other...” I sighed, giggling slightly,

“Well you are my baby sister, and I don’t expect you to be making crude comments.” Siva explained, I rolled my eyes, knowing what was coming.

Next time? I need to keep my mouth shut.

5 minutes later Siva was still going on about how I shouldn’t be so inappropriate, and that I’m now 19, so I should more,

“Alright Seev, have a good day travelling, tell Alex the flat is too quiet without her and I’ll see her soon. Speak later! Love ya!” I spoke, hanging up almost immediately after I’d finished speaking, not giving Siva enough time to reply. I was waiting for Libby to come before we set off to Em and Sunny’s before a day in town. I logged onto my twitter, bored.  A new mention came through...

@bamitsalex: overheard @Terri_Kaneswaran’s conversation with @SivaTheWanted. He cringed so much at your comment! But loving the hang up speech T!;) X

I smiled, typing a tweet back,

@Terri_Kaneswaran: @bamitsalex honestly, his speech was so annoying me-,- Anyways! The flat is so quiet without you! See ya soon A! X

I sent it just as another mention came through, not from Alex though...

@SivaTheWanted: @bamitsalex @Terri_Kaneswaran Alex! Stop being nosey;)! And T, not a comment you should really say to your brother. I’m not finished either; I shall carry on my speech later! Miss you! X

I decided to tweet him back later, I grabbed a pair of socks from my draw, slipping my feet into them but folding them back on themselves so you couldn’t see them after I had put my converses on.

Soon enough, Libby was knocking at my door; I grabbed some of the money Siva had left me whilst he was away, my keys, phone before opening the door to Libby. She smiled, pulling me in for a bone crushing hug, wrapping her arms around my neck and standing on her tiptoes, squeezing me tightly,

“L-ibby. Can’t. Breathe. Need. Air.” I stuttered, over exaggerating slightly, Libs just laughed, letting me out of the hug. I closed the door turning back to Libby.

“Let’s go!”  She giggled, I smiled as we walked into the elevator, pressing the ground floor button and letting the door close behind us.

*Siva’s POV*

I was sat with Alex and Jay having a conversation about the girls.

“So, you all get along?” I asked,

“Course we do! They’re all lovely girls but I’m really close to T, living with her and all.” Alex replied,

“So what’s going on between you and Nathan?” Jay questioned, I think we were all curious to what had been going on between the two.

“We’re fine, I guess.”

“What does ‘I guess’ mean?” Jay pushed, using air quotations,

“Well, I know what’ll happen, this tour will go to London in 3 weeks time or whatever, Hollie will be there and that’ll be the end to us all over again” she told us, not looking at either of us.

I Want It All.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن