Part 28 - All I want for Christmas... Is you.

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*Siva's POV*

"Come on, T, you've gotta pull through, I love you, the guys and girls love you, I'm pretty sure Ryan loves you too. Come on, please. Don't leave me, you're so young, you've got a whole life to live yet, please, just please" I cried, holding Terri's hand.

"Excuse me?" A voice came from behind me, "Visiting hours are over for now" the nurse said,

"Please let me stay with her, she's my baby sister. Please" I begged, tears tumbling down my cheeks,

"I'm sorry sir, we have to ask you to leave" she spoke again,

"Could I have a few more minutes to say goodbye then?" I asked hopefully,

"Course" she smiled sympathetically before leaving the room.

How is my baby sister laying in a hospital bed, fighting for her life when she should be out, soaking up every minute of her life, making the most of it.

"Terri, I've got to go now but I'll be back, as soon as I can, I promise. Stay strong angel, hang on in there" I whispered, standing over her, tears still flowing. "I love you" I said finally, kissing her forehead. I slowly backed out the room, taking one last look at my sister before exiting. I can't believe I've left her here. I know how much she hates these places. Ryan was sitting outside,

"Any improvement?" He asked hopeful, I shook my head, looking at the ground and Ryan sighed heavily,

"Come on mate, may aswell sleep, we're in no help to her if we're like this" I told him, although we both knew neither of us would get any sleep tonight.

"I guess"

"Take care" I told him as we went our separate ways. I pulled my phone out texting Emma,

To Emma:

I'm on my way home now, no improvement yet:( Ryan's crushed still. See you soon Xx

I pocketed my phone and started humming the tune to I'll Be Your Strength.

Never did I think 3 days ago that I would be walking home from the hospital, my sister laying in there, alone and weak, no one there to help her, her life balancing in her own hands when she's not even awake. I guess you've just got to think on the bright side. Terri's got to wake up and get better...  


*Sunny's POV*

"Let's go for a walk" Max smiled, throwing my coat at me. I chucked it on, put a scarf and hat on with some gloves along with shoes before setting off hand and hand with Max.

"Wow, this place seems so beautiful when it's quiet" I whispered, I'd never seen this part of London look as beautiful as it does right now.

"It's snowing" Max cheered, snow fell to the ground, creating a white sheet across London. I smiled as Max turned me to face him. Snow continued to fall as we walked around the park, finally we come across the little stream at the back of the park where not many people visit.

"I love it here so much" I spoke, smiling to myself,

"Sunny" Max started, "All this drama and upset recently has only made me think of how much I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so much and you've become a massive part of my life recently, yet I've only just realised. I know it may seem a bit weird and sudden" he said, he smiled at me before getting down on one knee... What is happening? "But I love you, that's all that matters to me, so will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me please?" he finished, holding out a small black box, he opened it carefully revealing a small silver band with a smallish silver diamond in the middle, I looked at him, he was right, all that mattered was the fact that I love him and he loves me.

"Yes" I smiled, nodding my head, "Yes, yes, yes" I squealed, Max took my hand and slid the ring on. Perfect fit. He lifted me up and kissed me, spinning me around.

When I was 13, all I wanted was to be proposed to in a restaurant, in a classy way. But now? In the snow seems perfect and it happened. I now have an amazing fiancée. Things seem to change so fast these days... But I wouldn't change my life for nothing.

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