Part 27(b) - Here's to the future.

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*Nathan's POV*

"Where is she then?" My mum asked, Alex burst into a fit of giggles at this point. Jess was stood face palming at the side of the room out of mums sight.

I didn't even respond to my mum who was standing in front of my all her interest enthused into trying to find out.

"Babe, she looks like an addict that's been off drugs for years and she's been given a lifetime supply of it all" Alex whispered into my ear.

Thing is... She really did; her eyes were opened fully, her cheeks were starting to go red, her hands sweating.

"Honestly, she does" I agreed, looking at Alex.

"Come on then Nath" my mum pressured, looking round like a lost puppy.

"Karen" Alex started, looking up at me,

"Alex is my girlfriend" I smiled, wrapping my arm around Alex, pulling her close. I kissed her head as she scrunched up her nose.

My mum’s smile brightened.

"Aw, my babies are all grown up!" My mum cried, engulfing me and A in a hug, although Alex was in a really awkward and uncomfortable position.

"You take care of her Nath" my mum warned, looking at me evilly.

"Hold on, I'm your biological son yet you warn me about hurting my girlfriend... What is this?" I moaned,

"Shut up will you" Alex and Jess muttered at the exact same time. They laughed at each other before stopping and running into the front room.

"Now... He is hot" Jess squealed.

"Nuh ah uh, he is hotter" Alex protested giggling. Something inside me burst. Jealously maybe? I think so. But Alex agreed to be my girlfriend yet she's speaking about who's hotter.

"Ewwwwww" Jess shouted, followed by Alex erupting into laughter. "No, that is wrong A, so very wrong!" Jess continued, I quietly made my way through to the front room, watching the pair sit around, looking through photos on their phones.

"Jess. Admit it, you're brother is hotter than a boy from your school" Alex laughed.

"Do not admit that, it'd be quite weird" I interrupted only making the girls giggles grow louder. "But on the other hand... What boy Jess?"

"Erm, ah. You'll find out" Jess smiled, jumping up and running out.

"Hmmmm" Alex sighed, slouching down in the sofa so she was virtually lying down.

"What?" I asked, watching her move about into a comfortable position.

"Just thinking about everything"


"We heading home tomorrow?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, back to work for me" I told her, although my work isn't the worst. In fact it's the best; I'm getting paid for living my dream and everything that comes with it. The fans, the memories, the trips, visits and tours, the adrenaline rush, performing, we’re making music, the thing I’ve wanted to do most of my life... Just everything about the job makes it worthwhile.

"Alright" Alex sighed again. This girl does an awful amount of sighing. But I guess, that's just who I've fallen in love with.

*Months later - December 11th*

*Tom's POV*

"Lis" I whispered, kissing her cheek.


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