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"Good job, Seventeen!"

After a long tiring week with the packed schedule, Seokmin finally will be able to go home tonight. He immediately went to the waiting room and grabbed his phone to send a text,

Love 💖
Recording's all done! Have you eaten your dinner? I miss you. Tell Minseok that his dad misses him so much. I love you ♡

Seokmin purposely didn't say that he'll come home tonight. He wanted to surprise you and the kids.

He keeps on looking at his phone waiting for a reply that he didn't even notice the members entering the room.

"Hyung!", Chan called and as he expected, his hyung was startled.

"Stop doing that, Chan! Seriously!"

Chan just laughed at him, "Sorry hyung. Hehe, anyway, are you coming with us tonight?"

Seokmin stared at him in confusion. He knew that their schedule was all done, "What? Where?"

"We're just heading out to eat, Me, Seungkwan hyung, Soonyoung hyung and Jihoon hyung. So?"

Seokmin never said no when Chan asks him out, but this time is different.

"Sorry Channie, I'll be going home early tonight so I can't come. Next time, okay?"

Seungcheol heard the two talking and decided to butt in, "Then I guess you'll come home with us?"

Seokmin looked at his hyung then down to his phone.. He forgot to tell Seungcheol that he's coming home to you, not to the dorm.

"Hyung, uhh, I'm actually planning to go home to the kids tonight.. You know, it's been two weeks."

Seungcheol smiled at him, "You should've told me earlier so we can drop you there. You know we wanted to see them too."

Seokmin looked up to him, "I'm sorry hyung. It's fine, I can't take risk.. You know the media nowadays. I'll just message once I'm there."

The members heard your conversation and they all went wild,




Seungcheol loved at how his members reacted, "Yah, let him live!" he smiled and faced Seokmin, who just got changed and tried his best to cover himself up.

"Tell U/N we miss her too.. Take care on your way, okay?"

Seokmin smiled at him before putting on his mask, "I will. Thanks, hyung."



"Minseokie! Would you be a dear and check mommy's phone at the living room?"

You shouted from your room, getting your baby girl, Minah, dressed. You heard footsteps from the other room, a sign that your son, Minseok, heard you.

"Mommy, it's a text from Daddy!" he shouted.

You went out the living room and sat beside Minseok with Minah sitting in your lap. Minseok handed you the phone and you opened the text.

"What did Daddy said? Is he coming home tonight, Mommy?" he asked.

Your heart ached at the question. It's clear that he really missed his Daddy.. It's been two weeks since he last saw him. They can't even do a video call since Seokmin always calls late in the evening when Minseok is asleep already.

You looked at Minseok, "Daddy didn't say anything about that, baby"

He looked down and upset but then you held his chin up and greeted him with a smile, "But hey, he said that he missed you, look." You showed him Seokmin's text and thankfully, Minseok cheered up.

"Tell him to come home tomorrow, Mommy! Please, please!! Prettty please" your son pleaded.

You smiled at him, "Okay baby, go get ready for bed. I'll call you when Daddy replies, okay?"

He didn't answer but he kissed you in the cheek and ran to the bathroom.

You placed and sat Minah beside you as she was busy biting her toy. You decided to reply.

Love 🐴
We already had an early dinner so don't worry. You go grab your dinner now, okay? We miss you too babe. 😞

Oh, by the way, Minseokie is asking if you'll come home tomorrow. He misses you so bad.. Well, we all do here. Take care always, baby. I love you. 😙

You smiled after sending the text and placed your phone on the coffee table. You took Minah from the sofa and went to the kitchen to get her milk as you were ready to put her to sleep.

You were walking to your room when you heard ruffling noises from Minseok's room so you decided to knock and check him.

"Minseokkie? Is everything okay?"

He opened up the door and you saw photo albums scattered on the floor.

"Yes, Mommy," he looked down, "I was just looking at the pictures... I miss Daddy."

Once again, your heart aches at the sight. You entered his room and sat on his bed with a sleepy Minah in your arms. You pat the side where you sat, asking him to sit beside you

"Baby, Mommy miss him too. But you know why Daddy can't come home often right?"

Minseok still looks down the floor, "I know, I know. I just really miss him here, mommy."

You hugged him, "He'll make it up to you, to us.. You know your Daddy, right? Just trust and believe him, okay?"

He hugged and kissed you and also Minah. You are happy to have a son who's understanding and loving... All you can say to Minseok right now, "Thank you, Minseokie."

*ding dong*

"Lets sleep, okay? Keep the albums now, Minseokie. I'll just check who's at the door"

You said and Minseok nodded. You went out of his room. As you were walking towards the door, you checked the clock. It's almost 10pm. Who might that be?

You checked out the camera and was surprised at what you saw.


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