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"What's with the sudden meeting? I thought you ar all settled for the comeback?"

The vice president of Pledis ent. asked as the members were all gathered in the meeting room.

After the night Seokmin confide with his members about the publicity of your relationship, Seungcheol suggested that they all need to let the vice president know this as early as possible. As the leader and spokesperson on behalf of the group, he then discussed it.

"Uh, we asked for a urgent meeting since we've all decided about something."

The vice president then looked at the leader and then to the members, trying to figure out the atmosphere.

"What is this all about?"

Seokmin decided that he should be the ine speaking up regarding this matter, not his hyung. "I'd like to publicize my relationship, vice president."

Silenced halted the whole room. The members were all looking at the vice president, waiting for his response.

"You know the risk of doing this, right Seokmin?" he asked.

"We've decided that it might be the best decision," Seungcheol answered instead, "It's much more risky if Dispatch would have known it first, sir."

The vice president seemed to be displeased that got Seokmin's head down. "You've been holding on to the routine for years, Seokmin, and the media didn't even suspect."

There was clearly a tension in the room this time. The members felt like they needed to voice out too as they saw how Seokmin reacted with the vie president's response.

"Sir, Seokmin has been walking on thin ice ever since. Yes, it wasn't easy for us to cover up things for him, but sir, it definitely wasn't easier for him either." Soonyoung responded.

Seokmin then felt the assurance and trust this time as members beside him, Jeonghan and Wonwoo patted his back to encourage him.

"It may sound selfish, but I just wanted the best for my family, Sir. My son has been keeping his identity and family background, especially my wife. They had harder time than I ever did." Seokmin voice cracks when he mentioned you. "I know I'm putting Seventeen's name at risk but I can't live lavishly knowing that my family is out there, hiding just to save me from the misery they've been going through."

Jihoon then finally decided to speak up. "It's not that he's risking the group by himself, we've all agreed to this."

Seungcheol smiled at how encouraging and supportive his members were, despite of knowing how risky their decision is.

"We're gonna face this together, as a family, sir."

With this line, the vice president then sigh, not out of displeasure or disappointment, but in relief. He was actually amazed that even though years passed by, through thick and thin, they're all still family.


"Did i heard it right?" Seokmin whispered to Jeonghan. He can't believe that it's  happening.

"Yes, Seokmin." The vice president responded and smiled which lessen the tension and lightened up the atmosphere. "I understand where this is all coming from. It's just, it surprised how everyone is willing to take risk. Seeing how all of you matured in time, i then trust you with your decision."

The members then smiled and loosen up after hearing their vice president. It felt like a torn was removed in their heart.

"Thank you so much, sir." Seokmin said, "This means alot not only for me, but for my family too."

Seungcheol then spoke up, "Thank you for understanding, sir."

However, the vice president halted the members with his last words before ending the meeting. "But you know I don't have the last decision on this, right?"

He saw how the members tensed once again. But their leader then reassured them. "We still believe and trust you, vice president. For Seokmin."

Seokmin glanced at Seungcheol and smiled at him as he muttered the words 'thank you, hyung'

And the vice president spit out the most reassuring words for all of them,

"I'll do my best. For Seokmin, for his family, for Seventeen."


Sorry it took me a month to update ☹️ last chapter and we're finished! Thank you for your patience! 💕

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