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"I dunno, is it too much?" Peter turned to the side in the mirror, looking over his suit. "He said it was a party, but it is Tony Stark .."

"You look great, Peter. He flirted with you when you were in a flour covered apron, I think you're good to go." Ned scoffed a little and smiled at his friend.

"Okay ..yeah you're right." Peter took in a breath and straightened his tie. "Thanks, Ned." He smiled and patted his shoulder before he grabbed his apartment keys and phone. He slipped the items into his pocket and headed out, a smile on his face.


Tony made his way through the crowd of people, smiling politely and shaking hands here and there. He sighed softly as he searched for the small boy from the bakery. He found him quite endearing and he couldn't help but be a little excited for his arrival.

Peter soon realized that his 'overdressing' was the least of his problems. The fourth floor of Stark tower was flooded with people in dresses and suits, champagne or scotch in their hands as they laughed and made small talk. He immediately felt out of place in his two hundred dollar suit and turned to try and exit, but before he could get away he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Glad you came kid." Tony winked and handed him a drink "You a scotch guy?"

Peter blushed darkly and took the drink. "Thank you, Mr. Stark." He smiled a boyish smile, though he was nervous as hell. This was one of his dreams, to be able to have a conversation with Tony Stark was on his bucket list for Christ's sake.

"Why don't you walk around with me a minute, I'll give you the grand tour of the fourth floor." Tony smiled, wrapping an arm around Peter's waist as they moved through the room.

Peter was amazed, and frankly still in a bit of shock as he made is way around the room with Tony's arm around his waist.


The night had been incredible, and people were starting to file out, but not Peter. He had found himself sitting by Tony on a sofa as they chatted with some of his engineering friends.

"So you're still in college?" One of the friends asked, tilting her head a bit. She was thin, blonde hair pulled back into a neat pony tail with bangs falling just above her brow. Her movements were delicate but precise as she sipped her glass of champagne.

"I am, I'm majoring in science, but still working out my exact career path." Peter smiled. The way here and Tony had been exchanging glances all night made Peter a bit uneasy.

"I see. Well, best of luck in that." The woman smiled, what was her name? Peter had met so many people tonight it was all a blur. He focused for a moment...Pepper! That was it.

"Thank you, Miss Potts" Peter smiled warmly.

"Of course." Pepper offered a similar smile as she looked at her watch. "Well, I should be going. It was lovely meeting you, Peter. And Tony, a pleasure...as always." She shook their hands and handed Peter a card. "I think my company could find a place for you, should you find yourself in need of an internship." She smiled and headed out.

Peter placed the card into his pocket, smiling back at Pepper one last time before the last of Tony's friends left and they were left alone. It wasn't until now that Peter had realized just how close he and Tony were. How easily he could turn his head and kiss him.

Tony had been keeping his eyes on Peter the whole night, even when Pepper had made her bedroom eyes once or twice. Of course, Pepper and Tony's relationship never worked out, but they stayed friends with benefits. But now, something told Tony that would change.

Peter shifted in his seat a bit, biting his lower lip and trying to think of something to say, or rather, work up the courage to say anything. "This was...wow, Mr. Stark. Thank you so much...but I have classes in the morning I shou-" Peter's eyes went wide as the older male had turned and kissed him deeply. He soon eased into the kiss, closing his eyes and leaning forward.

Tony smiled against the boys lips, yeah, he tasted pretty sweet. He pulled away, but stayed close, a hand on the boys cheek. "you're adorable. I'll send you a car tomorrow and we'll have lunch." He kissed the boy again before standing and escorting him out to the already waiting car.

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