Sour Patch Kids

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A short authors note up here: Hey guys! So after writing this chapter, I've noticed my writing style has changed significantly since I started this fic. After losing my notes and being forced to read over what I had written to remember where I was going with it, I realized it...didn't come out how I had hoped. I'm not going to leave it here though! This will be the last chapter I update to this story, think of it as...the first book, if you will. I'm going to take a bit while I can and flesh out a new fic based of off this one, that will take place a year or so into the future. Thank you all so very much for all of the love and support, and I sincerely hope you love where I go from here just as much as you have loved this! Enjoy this chapter and keep an eye out for a new story soon <3 

It was dead quite save for the shifting as the two sat on the couch, the scrape of plastic forks against cardboard take out containers. Tony didn't dare give into his desire to pull Peter into his lap, and Peter made sure to maintain a few inches between the two so their thighs didn't actually touch. 

They finished their food, and still sat in what was an even heavier silence now. Without the excuse of focusing on their food, neither of the men had any reason to not speak up. It was becoming more and more apparent that neither of them had any words to say, or if they did, they didn't know how to say it. 

Peter sighed, cleared his throat a bit. "What you did, Tony....that wasn't okay. I'm not some little plaything you can spoil and use and then toss aside when it gets hard. And I might be a bit younger than you, but I'm also not a child. I can think for myself, I can take care of myself. 
Yeah, we fought, it sucks, but it happens. It's not the fight that matters, but how it's handled." The brunette stared down at the coffee table in front of him, wringing his hands while he spoke. Tony, gaze fixed on the younger male, clung desperately to every last word.

"I know I fucked up too..more than you know right now, and I'll get to that in a minute. But Tony, you...god you've got to let me be my own person." tears welled in his eyes as he closed them for a moment, trying not to lose his train of thought. "You have to realize that I can take care of myself, I don't need you constantly buying me expensive things, and I get that it's one of the ways you show me you care, I do. But the main issue? You don't get to tell me what I can and can't do. If I want to swing around the city at night, saving little old ladies and store owners from robbers, then dammit that's what I'll fucking do." His tone was getting angrier, more irritated. 

Tony huffed slightly, "The gift thing I can understand, I'll do my best to tone it down, but the superhero thing isn't me telling you what you can and can't do, so don't try to pin that on me," the hero said, shifting a bit to get more comfortable on the couch. "I'm not saying you can't, I'm saying you shouldn't, I'm saying I'm worried about you and I don't want to see you hurt...or worse. It's a very dangerous life, it's not all cupcakes and rainbows." 

Peter slammed his hands on the table, standing and whipping around to face Tony. "There! Right there! You're assuming that I think being a hero is a walk in the park, assuming that I don't know how dangerous and difficult it is. And you're telling me I can't use my powers-- my powers I didn't make in a lab, mind you-- to help people but you can! You're being a hypocritical dick right now and I don't have to take a single second of it!" Peter was screaming now, hot tears running down his face as he placed a hand on his hip and waved his finger at Tony. 

"I didn't go seeking this out! It was a freak accident, and maybe that makes me a freak but I want to help people! Why cant good come from it?! Powers or no powers I can still handle myself, I can still take care of myself and I don't need you treating me like a child!" Peters voice was loud and firm, though he was trembling with all the pent up rage. 

"If you want someone you can treat like a child, why don't you go back to Potts? Fuck her brains out and have a happy little life." Peter spat, backing away a bit and turning around to run a frustrated hand through his locks. 

 Tony sat there for a few minutes, taking in everything that was said to him. No one had dared to call him out on his shit like that before, most people just called him out as a passing joke, knowing nothing would really get through to him, not after the years upon years of hearing his father...

Arms wrapped gently around the now sobbing Peter, and he leaned gently into the embrace. He turned around to press his face into Tony's chest. 

"You''re absolutely right. I feel...very protective over you, but it's not fair for me to control you..or treat you like you can't handle yourself." 

Peter nodded, sniffling a bit now as Tony rubbed his back. 

"I want better, I want to do better for you, Pete, but I need...patience. I can't fix everything in a night, it'll take time, but I really do want to...for you."

Peter nodded, wrapping his arms around Tony and hugging him tightly. "All I ask is that you try...and I'll try not to put myself in too much danger." 

Tony nodded, kissing the top of Peter's head. His hair smelled of sex, and Tony felt his heart break just a little, but he knew that he shouldn't push, that whatever Peter did when they broke up wasn't his business. 

"I want you back...please let me stay tonight...I don't want to sleep alone.." Peter whimpered and Tony nodded, lifting the other up and carrying him off to his room so they could rest and talk more in the morning. 

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