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Peter wasn't able to focus on his classes at all. Luckily he only had half a day today, so he had all afternoon. He tapped his pencil on the desk in the lecture room, waiting for his free period so he could change his clothes. Unfortunately, the lecture ran over and Peter found himself rushing across campus to the car Tony had sent. He panted heavily and at the driver who opened the door for him.

Looking down at his outfit, a pastel plaid button up with a light blue sweater over it, khakis and off brand tennis shoes, he knew Tony would be less than impressed. He sighed softly and slipped off the sweater, stuffing it into his bag. He ran a hand through his messy hair and unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt, rolling up the sleeves neatly. At least he looked somewhat presentable now.


Tony couldn't believe how adorable Peter looked as he climbed into the car with him. It was quite obvious the boy shopped at Walmart, but Tony found it quaint and charming. The man was in a button up himself, though it was a solid pastel blue and he wore black slacks to match, and it was obviously a much more expensive outfit. "Look at that, we match." Tony winked and watched Peter's face flush.

"I don't know about that, Mr. Stark. I'd say you look much better than I do." He smiled a bit, fidgeting with his thumbs.

"Nonsense. You'd look good in anything." Tony winked, the corner of his mouth tugging up a bit. "In fact, since you don't have any more classes for the day, you're welcome, we'll go shopping after lunch."

Peter's eyes widened a bit "Oh, thank you, sir, but you don't have to go through all the trouble.."

"Something tells me you'll make it worth my while." Tony bit his lip as he looked over the boy, as if he were looking at his next meal.

The car stopped and Tony got out, jogging around to open the door for Peter, who smiled greatfuly and reached for his bag. "Oh no no, leave that there, Happy will gladly watch over it while we have our date." He nodded to the driver who nodded back.

"Thank you" Peter smiled, looking down as he got out of the car. Tony had slid his arm effortlessly around Peter once more and he felt his body tingle all over. His eyes wandered over the place. It was an outside restaurant, French, and of course it looked very expensive.

Tony guided Peter to their table, pulling out the chair for him to sit. As Peter sat, Tony leaned down to whisper in his ear "I could eat you up" he pressed a kiss to Peter's cheek before he moved to his own seat, picking up the menu.

Peter flushed darkly at the statement, feel of Tony's stubble on his cheek lingering as he picked up his menu. When he saw the prices, he frowned a bit, trying to find something decently priced so he could try and pay his half.

"Dont look at price, Doll. I've got more money than I know what to do with, and I can most definitely afford spoiling you." Tony winked as he found what he wanted.

Peter smiled "That's very generous of you, Mr. Stark. " He still looked at the less expensive options.

"It's very generous of you to give me your time. That's something that can't be bought. If you run out, you run out. The least I can do is fill the time you give me with fun and good food." Tony called the waitress over, sensing that Peter was still trying to get something cheap. "A bottle of your finest wine, and Pete? You like lobster?"

Peter had only ever had lobster a few times, but he knew he loved it. "I uh..." He knew what Tony was trying to do.

"Great. We'll both have the lobster." He smiled and handed the waitress the menus and a twenty dollar bill. Tony made it a point to tip well. "You see, if I give her part of the tip now, she's more likely to give better service through the meal. It's how people work." He said after the waitress thanked him and left.

"I see. Mr. Stark, I think...I should point out that I'm not used to this. My parents passed when I was young, and my aunt and uncle took me in. When my uncle passed away too, times got kinda rough. I've lived for months on peanut butter sandwiches." Peter licked his lips. "I understand you want to show me a, but I just want you to understand why I'm so tentative to accept such expensive things. I'm used to working for what I get.." he started fidgeting again, hoping he didn't anger the man.

Tony nodded "I understand, I don't take it as an insult, and I hope you don't take my treating you as an insult. I don't mean to demean your hard work in any way."

"Oh I understand, Sir. Thank you, really. I just wanted to get that out of the way." He smiled brightly, thanking the waitress as she brought over the wine and poured it for them.

"Of course." Tony thanked the waitress as well, slipping her another twenty as he picked up his glass and took a sip. "Excellent."

Peter took a sip as well. He never really did like wine, but this was pretty good. He smiled over at the man, unsure of what to say.

"Science, huh? You ever apply for the Stark internship?" Tony raised a brow.

"Yeah I uh...I had to put it off though. I was excepted while I was still a senior in high school, and I ended up needing to help out my Aunt May." Peter took another drink of wine.

"That's too bad." Tony sipped his wine as well. Soon, the food got there and they began to eat, stealing little glances at each other every once in a while.


"That's way too much." Peter muttered as he put the price tag down on a shirt he had been eyeing. Tony, of course, came up behind him, too a glance at the price and pulled it off the rack with a scoff.

"Listen, let me treat you, like I said, I'm sure you can make it worth my while." Tony smirked a bit and looked down at Peter's ass.


Back at Stark tower, after a day of wine and lobster, and shopping and champagne, Peter was feeling much more lose and less nervous. He was sitting on the couch on Tony's private floor, shoes off with his feet tucked under him as he leaned on Tony's shoulder and sipped his fresh glass of wine.

"God you're so muscular. I guess you have to be, to be Iron Man, huh?" Peter laughed a little and set his wine down, biting his lip as he looked over to the older male.

"Yeah I work out a bit," Tony smiled and pulled Peter into his lap, resting his hands on the smaller male's hips.

Peter looked down at Tony, cheeks a deep red as he leaned in and kissed him deeply, letting his hands find their way into the man's hair.

Tony kissed back, rolling his hips up a bit as he did, making Peter squeak with surprise. The younger male broke the kiss, leaning down to trail kisses along Tony's jawline and down his neck, leaving a mark at the base.

Tony's lips parted and he let out a sigh of pleasure as he continued to roll his hips up into the male, closing his eyes and laughing softly "told you you'd make it worth my while~"

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