The Icing on Top

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      Peter whined softly as he woke up from his rest. It had been about four days since he got bit and he was feeling much better. In fact, he had noticed he didn't need his contacts anymore, which was odd, but he kept that to himself, for some unknown reason. He just got the sense that it would be best to do for now. He opened his eyes to find the room....upside down? He tilted his head, confused. As he woke up more he realized the room wasn't upside down. He was. He yelped and fell off the ceiling onto the bed, eyes wide with fear and confusion.

      Tony had been making breakfast when he heard a yelp and a soft thud from the bedroom. He dropped what he was doing and rushed over "Peter? Are you okay?" He asked, heart racing as he scanned over the male.

   Peter nodded "y-yeah...just a weird dream I think." He let out a soft breathy laugh as he tucked some of his short curls behind his ear. He smiled over at Tony as the older male nodded, but continued to look over his body just in case. He was so damn lucky to have someone so loving and careful. "I'm okay, really." He laughed a little more and cupped Tony's face, bringing it to his own, locking his honey colored orbs with his older lover's and smiling before he pressed his soft lips to Tony's.

   Tony smiled and kissed back lovingly, holding Peter's waist gently. "Okay..okay okay...I believe you." He smiled. "Breakfast is almost ready...I made some chocolate chip pancakes and coffee." He beamed.

     Peter smiled widely, he loved chocolate chip pancakes. His eyes lit up and he kissed Tony again. "You spoil me." He laughed.

   Tony smiled "well, what can I say? I enjoy spoiling you." He smiled and picked up Peter bridal style, carrying him out to the dining room where he gently sat him down.


May was furious. She had got the best lawyer she could find, thanks to Tony's financial support and the dumbass still couldn't find a way to sue the company that hurt her nephew. "It's this fucking simple, they didn't close the goddamn tank correctly, and the motherfucking spider bit my nephew." She threw her hands up, not understanding how this person who, allegedly, went through years of law school couldn't grasp the concept of the case.

"I understand that Miss, but the problem is that Oscorp is a huge company, and that kind of accusation comes with a huge risk...I'm not sure this is a case any lawyer can win for you."

"Oh fuck you then. I'll do it my damn self. And you give Tony Stark back every fucking cent you good for nothing pig in a suit." She stood, huffing and yanking her bag up her shoulder before she stormed out of the building. Once outside she put a cigarette between her teeth, lighting it and taking a long drag. "Stupid fuckers..." She sighed and shook her head as she turned and flipped off the building, angrily smoking her menthol. She narrowed her eyes at the busy city, fed up with all of the monopolization b.s.


Peter had just finished the dishes and was putting the last plate away when it seemed stuck to his hand. He sighed, thinking maybe he missed a spot and he grabbed it with the other hand, but now they were both stuck. He flung his arms about in a panic, trying to get the dish off. "Tony..."

Tony looked up from his crossword and tilted his head "Pete...whatcha doin?"

"I dont know? It won't come off??" He huffed.

Tony stood and moved over to help, easily moving the plate from Peter's hands and setting it down. He had his glasses on, of course, and so he held Peter's hands in his own, turning on the zoom and looking at Peter's hands to see what was so sticky.

"That's odd..." He muttered, turning up the zoom to a microscopic level. "Peter....your hands..."

"What? What about them?" Peter's heart raced as he looked between his lover and his palms.

"They...they have what looks like scopulae on them..." Tony responded, shuddering a little. Spiders always did freak him out a little.

"Sc--like the sticky pads that spiders use to climb?" Peter was disgusted and horrified at this point.

"Exactly. Peter...that dream...were you climbing?" Tony looked up now, studying his lover's face.

"Yeah...well no, I was on" the exact moment when Peter realized what was happening was very easy to spot. His eyes went wide and he pulled away from Tony, looking over to the wall and walking towards it. He pressed his finger tips to it and without really thinking he began climbing, using the tips of his fingers and toes and he was directly above Tony in a matter of seconds. "Holy crap...does this make me a super hero?!" He smiled, totally thrilled now.

"Not so fast babe...we gotta go down to my lab and get some blood work and figure this thing out." He looked up at his boyfriend, in complete awe.

Peter groaned but nodded and got down, following Tony to the lab


"This is crazy...the spid-- ahem, Mr. Holland's," Tony smiled at Peter when he have him a Stern look for not addressing the Oscorp spider correctly. "DNA fused with yours...Peter you're part spider.." he marveled ((hehe get it?)) at the sample he had collected.

Peter bit his lower lip, frowning "so I gonna shit webs?"

Tony snorted "no! I mean...well I don't think so " he laughed more and turned to Peter, taking off his glasses "we've got to run some more tests...if you're up for it?"

Peter nodded and kissed Tony's head "of course. I wanna know just as much as you do, babe."

Of course, Peter and Tony would have much bigger troubles on their hands very soon. Little did they know, one of the workers in Tony's lab was placed there very carefully, and for a very specific reason. All of the information the two were gathering about Peter's newfound powers would soon not only be known to Peter, Tony, and the lab workers, but also someone else. Someone who most definitely wouldn't take kindly to a new superhero messing around in his town, nor with his company.

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