Sour Drops

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Peter yawned and stretched, reaching out to find a cold bed. He huffed slightly and sat up, looking around for his missing partner. The bed was messy and their clothes from the night before we're strewn about the room. He stood, seeing a note by the bed

"I didn't leave, just got up early and decided to make you breakfast. Come out when you're ready, handsome.

- XOXO T.S. "

Peter smiled and picked up Tony's shirt, slipping it and a pair of boxers on before trudging out into the hall towards the living room that connected to the kitchen. He didn't make it halfway through the living room before he was blinded by multiple flashes of light. He held up his hands to hide his face and curled his upper lip as he squinted to see what was going on. There were dozens of reporters, apparently using the window cleaning devices to hang outside the large glass windows, taking pictures of a half awake Peter. He huffed lightly and looked to see if he noticed anyone from his photo journalism class, and sure enough, there he was. Flash. Of course, the asshole probably found out he was dating Tony and decided he should be able to get the big story on it. "Go away!!" He shouted before pulling on the rope that shut the large curtains.

Tony was alarmed when he heard yelling and he stopped what he was doing to find out what had happened. "Pete, babe? What's going on?" Worry filled Tony's voice as he entered the room, wiping his hands in his 'Kiss the Cook' apron that covered his sweatpants and t-shirt. "You okay?" He walked closer slowly.

Peter turned to Tony and couldn't help but let out a little giggle at his apron. It was so unoriginal and cheesy, but it was cute on Tony. "Yeah yeah I'm fine. Just some asshole from my journalism class.." he bit his lower lip. "They may have...kinda sorta got some pictures of me in nothing but your shirt..." His heart raced, he knew Tony wasn't out and really, neither was Peter. Well, only to Ned and his Aunt May. But this could destroy Tony's career.

Tony's eyes widened and he felt as if his heart would pump out of his chest. "Fuck...fuck fuck fuck." He ran his hands through his hair and began to pace.

"Hey hey! It's okay...we can...we can get through this together okay?" He walked over to Tony and placed a hand on his arm gently

Tonys eyes filled with anger as he heard what Peter said. "Together?! What the fuck were you thinking?! Everytime we go out I make sure no one important will see us. I'm as careful as possible. And one fucking morning you decide it's okay to stroll around in nothing but your boxers and my t-shirt? AFTER you tell all your friends you're fucking Tony Stark?!" He jerked his hand away and backed away from Peter. "I can't believe you right now."

He flinched and a stepped back as well "I..." Tears welled in Peter's eyes as he stood, speechless. He couldn't imagine how Tony thought this was what he had wanted. His tears ran hot down his cheeks as he clenched his jaw. "This isn't going to work." He said emotionlessly, turning and walking back towards the bedroom. He began grabbing his things, pulling off Tony's shirt and slipping on his own, as well as his pants and socks and shoes. He was infuriated, but he was also sobbing grossly. He couldn't believe he let Tony crush his heart a second time, and so damn easily too.

Tony instantly regretted what he had said. "Peter! Peter wait please!" He walked after him, entering the bedroom and wrapping his arms around the smaller male, trying to calm him down "please please stop. I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to say that I just ..I'm scared." Tears pricked at the corners of Tony's eyes as he held the boy.

Peter instantly collapsed back into Tony's embrace, turning around and sobbing into his chest. He hated how weak he was, but damn it was so much easier to just fall apart and let Tony hold him together. He nodded softly, trying to calm his tears.

"You're right... we'll get through this." He sunk to the floor, still holding Peter who willingly followed him, and there they lay, crying and holding each other.

By midday every place in New York was selling Flash's article. 'Tony Stark: Does he have a stalker? Or is he hiding his sexuality?'

The headline alone was enough to make Peter want to hurl, but the article said some pretty nasty things. Calling Peter a 'twink' and a 'faggot' Most of the slurs were directed at him. Not only was he now out to the whole world, but he was seen as a stalker.

As Peter sat at the table, unable to stop reading and rereading the article as he cried quietly, Tony paced the floor in his suit, yelling into the phone. But Peter couldnt hear Tony, he could only hear the slurs in his head.

Eventually Tony hung up and walked over, placing a hand on Peter's shoulder. "Pete, we're gonna get through this, but I'm going to need you to write an article." He smiled and kissed his head. Peter nodded and stood "what about?" He asked, confused. "Us," was Tony's response.

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