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Peter's first day back was going rather smoothly so far. As long as he didn't dwell on how far behind in his work, he was golden. Of course, something was different. The first of his classes seemed to drag on forever. The curly haired brunette sat, tapping his pen lightly and shifting his gaze from the window to the clock every so often. Eventually he decided to doodle some super suit ideas in hopes that it would at least look like he was taking notes or something. Though he was usually very interactive and eager to learn, he found that his heart just wasn't in it, and his mind was wandering more and more. The bell signaling lunch was a godsend and Peter leapt up as soon as the Professor dismissed the class.

"Ah, not so fast, Mr. Parker. I'd like a word with you, if you don't mind." Peter's shoulders dropped and he nodded, heading over to the desk. "Yes, Sir?" His voice was soft, the familiar feeling of his stomach sinking and his heart racing hit him almost instantly.

"Mr. Parker, I'm concerned. I am well aware of your situation, but your grade is the lowest it's ever been. Now you've missed time before, and easily bounced back." The older man took off his bifocals and set them on his desk, folding his hands together as he looked up to his student. "You know you have to keep your GPA up in order to keep your scholarship. So if this is because of this...Mr. Stank-- Mr. Stark, whatever, I suggest you reevaluate your priorities."

"N-no, no, Mr. Lee, it isn't Tony," he smiled at the mere thought of his boyfriend before he nodded solemnly. "I understand, Sir. I do. I'll do my best to work harder," he promised.

"You're a good kid, Pete." He stood and moved closer to him, clasping his shoulder. "You'll do great and amazing things." He offered a smile before he waved his hand in dismissal.

Peter nodded once more "Thank you." He exited the room, only to almost run straight into MJ, who had been waiting for Peter to be dismissed. Her arms were crossed and her lips pursed, giving her a disappointed mom vibe. He felt his face heat under her disapproving scowl, fidgeting with his backpack strap.

"What's that about?" She asked with a nod of her head in the direction of Mr. Lee. Her tone was rather nonchalant, in contrast to her body language.

"Nothing, just wishing me a fast and full recovery is all." Peter lied through his teeth, smiling as they walked. He knew if he told MJ the real reason why he had been held after class he would never hear the end of it. Besides, he didn't really want to dwell on negative thoughts right now.

"Mmmhmmm.." MJ wasnt buying a single bit of Peter's bullshit.

"So...what are we doing for lunch? I'm starving.." Peter attempted to change the subject.

"Dunno, but please god can we not do McDonald's again. Maybe IHob?"

Peter snorted at the inside joke. Their group had vowed to never call it IHOP again, only IHOB, International House Of Bullshit. Because really, who starts a rebranding and doesn't follow through? "Sounds good to me, Tony has been giving me way too much lunch money, even though I have my own money...he just likes to spoil me I guess. It makes him happy, so. Anyway, lunch is on me." He smiled, refreshed that they we're having a somewhat normal conversation.

"Did I hear free food?" Ned popped up, joining them in their walk to the parking lot. "Count me in." He laughed.

Peter and MJ laughed as well. "IHoB it is then." Peter stated.

"Hey!" Liz frantically waved her arms from across the parking lot for a little bit, though they weren't moving fast enough for her so she ran up to tackle hug Peter, who let out a small "oof" at the impact and laughed a little while hugging her back.

"I missed you!"

"I missed you too" Peter smiled.

Liz pulled away after a few moments, making her way over to MJ and giving her a slight peck on the cheek before intertwining their fingers, her face going a light shade of pink at the contact. MJ wasnt sure which she enjoyed more, the adorable blush on her girlfriend's face at the slightest touch, or Peter's shocked expression.

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