Salt Water Taffy

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Tony moved forward slowly "I'm..Peter I think we need to talk." He clenched his jaw, readying himself for the yelling he was sure would happen.

"You're damn right we do." Peter's words were bitter as he huffed slightly and leaned down, picking up what he dropped and throwing it away. "Wait here." He said, walking to the back and playing the tray in the sink. "Ned. Close up for me please..." Ned nodded "Is everything ok?"

Peter nodded softly "Yeah...just need some air." He went back to the front of the store. "You can walk me home. That gives you about thirty minutes."

Tony nodded "okay..." As they walked out the door into the chilled autumn night, Tony sighed softly. "Okay. Here's the thing. I'm rich, and I, more often than not, use my money to my advantage. I've been told that buying people is wrong. And it wasn't until I lost you that I realized it."

Peter listened intently, though his arms were crossed and he was biting the inside of his cheek to stop him from crying.

"I didn't know....that I fell for you. I thought it was the same as always, I found you attractive and I could buy you things to convince you to have sex with me...but I was wrong. I fell for /you/. For your personality. The way you blush so easily, how you scrunch up your nose when you smile, or how your lips curled ever so slightly when you saw me." Tony stopped walking and moved in front of the younger male. "I need that back. I need you back. And I need you to tell me how to get you back, because now that I found out I need you, I don't ever want to lose you again. I'll do anything."

Peter looked at the man, eyes slightly wide as he moved towards him placing his hands on his chest, he wanted so badly to tell him he'd never lost him to begin with, that yes, he accepted his apology and to kiss his perfect lips once more, but he found himself slowly backing away. "You're back at square one. You can ask me on a date, and I might say yes, and then you have to impress me again, show me the Tony Stark I know is in there somewhere."

Tony let out a breath as Peter backed away, nodding. "I understand." He fought the urge to place a hand on Peter's face. "Are you free tomorrow night?" He asked, hope gleaming in his eyes.

Peter nodded "Yes, I am." He smiled a bit and stood on his tip- toes, placing a sweet kiss on Tony's cheek. "See you then." He smiled and walked past Tony toward his apartment.


Peter sighed softly as he slipped a pale blue button up on, paired with a pair of white skinny jeans and his converse. He ran his fingers through his hair and checked the time. 5:30pm. He wasn't sure about this, but Tony really seemed to want a second chance. The doorbell rang and he felt his heart skip a beat as he went to answer it. He was expecting a driver with a car waiting, but he was pleasantly surprised.

Tony stood, in jeans and a t-shirt, holding a boquet of red and white roses. "You look amazing." He smiled, handing Peter the flowers and stepping aside. "I'll be driving us on our date tonight, though I enjoy being in the back with you, I'd much prefer us to be entirely alone."

Peter flushed darkly and smelled the roses, inhaling the sweet scent before he grabbed his wallet and phone. "You look amazing as well. And the flowers are perfect thank you." He smiled and set them down on the counter, exiting the apartment after locking the door. "Where are we going?"

"That's a surprise." He smiled, opening the passenger door of the cherry red mustang for Peter.

Peter thanked him as he climbed in, buckling his seat belt while Tony jogged around to the drivers side and did the same.

They drove for a while, making small talk and listening to the raidio until Tony pulled into a parking lot, grabbing a basket out of the backseat and opening the car door for Peter.

Peter smiled "a picnic?" He got out of the car and followed Tony

"Not just any picnic." He smiled. He walked down with Peter to the beach where he had a towel and umbrella already set up. "Not many people come here around this time. And I thought you'd like it." He smiled, setting the basket down.

Peter smiled widely. "god I can't stay mad at you. Especially not when you do the cutest things .." he wrapped his arms around Tony's neck and kissed him deeply, smiling widely as he did. This was the most romantic thing Peter could imagine, and he was more than happy to sit on the beach and watch the sunset with Tony while they sipped beer and ate peanut butter sandwiches.

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