Sweet Tooth

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   Uncommon Love
     By: Peter Parker 


   Love is something everyone strives to obtain. Something so warm and comforting that most are content with only having that. However, love can be scary, dangerous, heart-breaking, and in some people's eyes, wrong. The idea that a man could love a man, or a woman could love a woman is shocking, and often "wrong" to some. The LGBT community has suffered hate and discrimination, for doing nothing more than loving, and for being themselves. Love is a special, beautiful thing, but some people decide that it has rules, boundaries, and it doesn't.

      Anthony Edward Stark, a billionaire, philanthropist, genius, superhero, and even a known Playboy, is gay. For some reason, though he's done so much good, saved so many lives, brought poverty back down to an all time low, and invented amazing things, people hate him for who he loves. Let me ask you something, and I want you to actually let this sink in. If someone were to save your life, or one of your loved ones lives, would you care if they were gay? What difference would it make? Because Tony Stark has saved you, and your loved ones countless times. To say "I don't want to live, if I have to be saved by a gay man," is assanine and childish.

    My name is Peter Benjamin Parker, and I am so lucky to say that Tony Stark chose me. Out of all the people in the world, he chose me. He chose to fight for me, and to save me. I leave you with this. If you choose to believe someone with so little respect for human decency, that they climbed a tower just to get pictures of another person in their underwear, what kind of person are you? If you choose to hate a man who has done so much good, just because he cares for another man, what kind of person are you?


Peter smiled and turned in the article, watching it get posted instantly and spread like wildfire. He leaned back into Tony, resting the back of his head on his chest and closing his eyes. "I really need coffee and food now.." he laughed.

   Tony smiled and kissed his head. "You're my hero." He whispered, kissing his head once more before moving to the kitchen to restart making breakfast.

     Peter smiled as he felt a warm feeling spread through his whole being. He was Tony's hero. He stood, still clad in nothing but his boxers and Tony's shirt. He pulled the sleeves down over his hands and walked over to Tony, wrapping his arms around his waist from behind and pressing his face into his back, inhaling his scent.

   Tony smiled and fixed up some eggs and bacon, letting the coffee pot brew as he did so. Since Flash's article had been posted, Tony cancelled all of his meetings and decided to stay in today, not only because he wasn't ready to face the public, but also because he wanted to stay in with Peter.

    Once the breakfast was ready he fixed two plates while Peter dressed their coffee and they both sat at the table, ignoring the abundance of notification tones on their phones as they laughed and talked, eating their breakfast as any normal couple would.

     Peter couldn't imagine a happier moment, and he was so glad Tony was here to share it with him. "So..are we...I guess this means.." Peter felt a blush creeping onto his cheeks as he let out a little laugh. "I mean I guess we're.."

   "Official? I hope we are." Tony finished for him with a smile as he put his hand over Peter's, taking it into his own and taking a long drink of his coffee. "I'd be stupid to let someone go who makes such amazing coffee." He smiled at his own joke.

    Peter laughed and held Tony's hand. "And I'd be crazy to let such a good cook slip away." He smiled brightly, and the whole room seemed to light up.

    They finished their breakfast, washing the dishes together and retiring to the living room where Tony sat on the couch and Peter sat beside him, tucking his legs under him and laying on Tony's chest.

    Tony trapped an arm around Peter as he flicked through the Netflix shows, eventually settling on Once Upon A Time.

   They stayed like that for most of the day, laying in each other's arms and watching episode after episode without a care in the world, until of course the elevator opened, and footsteps could be heard walking down the hallway towards where the two were sitting.


"PETER BENJAMIN PARKER I WAS SO FUCKING WORRIED ABOUT YOU!" a shrill, mother like voice shouted through the room. Aunt May walked into the living room, out of breath with her purse in one hand, dragging the floor and her tanktop and bra strap hanging off the side of her shoulder. Her hair was messy and her eyes had bags under them, it was obvious she hadn't slept.

    "Woah Aunt May..." Peter jumped up and hurried over to her. "are you okay?" He noticed a few bruises on her upper arms and elbows.

   "Okay?! Okay?! Peter you haven't texted or called since last night! Jesus at least a whale emoji to let me know you're not dead in a ditch somewhere!-- Hi Tony," her voice shifted as she interrupted herself to say hello to her nephew's boyfriend. "Where was I? Oh yeah, no calls no texts, no whale emojis. And then the article this morning, you in your UNDERWEAR all over the damn news?! Peter what is going on?! I had to elbow my way through hundreds of reporters just to get here, and I only knew you were here because your ASS was on the front page of my paper this morning!!"

   Peter bit his lower lip and crossed his left arm over his body, holding his right arm in place with it. "Aunt May I know I know I'm sorry...I just...Tony and I went out and I lost track of time and then everything this morning happened so quick and our phones have been going off with so many different notifications all day..." He looked down, genuinely upset that he scared and disappointed her.

     Tony stood, rubbing the back of his neck and looking anywhere but at Aunt May. He had never been good with authority, and especially not in situations like this.

   Aunt May sighed and dropped her bag, pulling Peter close and holding him tightly, kissing his head. "just...don't do this. Ever again." She looked over at Tony "and you. We're gonna have a talk." Her voice was stern as she spoke to him. Tony nodded "Yes ma'am."

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