Brown Sugar

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   Peter could feel the adrenaline course through his veins as he swung from building to building. He knew Tony wouldn't approve of this, but in this exact moment that didn't matter, nothing mattered. The city was bustling, and it only fed Peter's rush. Though many people were out and about for whatever reason at the ungodly hour of three in the morning, none of them actually stopped to look at the young adult who seemed to be flying through the air above them.

      As the brunette returned to Stark Tower, he stopped for a moment to admire his handiwork in a full length mirror. He wore a bright red hoodie, the hood covering most of his face when he tilted his head down. He paired some navy blue leggings, for mobility's sake, with some red and white converse. He liked to see his outfit as bit of a tribute to Tom the Oscorp Spider. He sighed softly and pulled off the hoodie and changed into his PJs, climbing back into bed with Tony.


May sighed and lit another cigarette, running a hand through her long, dark hair as she stared down at the huge ass pile of notes she had for her upcoming case. She hadn't slept for three days and her appearance showed that. She took a big gulp of her coffee and closed her eyes for a moment before she dove back in to the law books and papers she was drowning in.


  "So...I wanna be a superhero." Peter said around a mouthful of cereal as he and Tony sat at the table.

    Tony shook his head and sighed "Pete it's dangerous, even with all of your powers figured out.."

     Peter nodded and decided to leave it there "yeah ..okay." he continued to eat, washing the dishes after he had finished. They had been working in the lab together almost every night trying to figure out these powers, and Peter had most of them under control.

     "Can I at least meet the guys you talk about so much? Steve? Bruce?" He furrowed his brows as he wrapped his arms around Tony and rested his chin on his chest.

    Tony wrapped his arms around Peter and looked down at him. "maybe, but as Steve Rogers, not as Captain America." He compromised, kissing Peter's nose. He knew if Peter met the superheros it would only fuel his desire to be one.

    The younger male nodded and kissed Tony's lips, smiling as he pulled him close. He felt his stomach sink, he knew he was technically lying to Tony by not telling him that he was already fighting crime, and he hated the idea of lying to his lover, but he knew there was no way Tony would allow it, and it would just start a huge argument.

"You need to go get ready, we've got to meet with Stephen today and tell him what we've discovered so far, he'll be here in a few hours." Tony whispered into Peter's ear, running his hands through those damned adorable curls.

Peter hummed softly and leaned into the touch, nodding before he reluctantly pulled away to go get ready.


"This is.... astounding. It's" Stephen said as he looked over the papers of the documented changes within Peter's body.

  "Yup, pretty crazy. I can yeet things a lot farther now too!" Peter said excitedly from his position on the ceiling.

"I'm sor-- yeet? What's a yeet?" Stephen raised a brow and Tony just facepalmed, shaking his head.

"Like throwing, you yeet something." He explained, not daring to try it inside for fear of breaking something that costs more than his life.

  Strange nodded, eyes wide as he mouthed okay and continued to look over the documents. "Do you...can I have some copies of these?" He asked, eyes alight with wonder.

Tony nodded, as did Peter "Of course, we made those copies for you." Peter smiled. "But of course we ask that you are discreet with them.." Tony added. Strange nodded and stood. "Thank you both, so much." He smiled and shook both of their hands before he made his exit.


Peter was lounging around, listening to music while he tried to catch up on the school work he was missing when. He got a phone call. "Yeah?"

"Dude what's going on? Are you okay? You're not still sick are you?" Ned's frantic voice came through the phone. Peter must have forgotten to keep them all updated while he and Tony worked together.

"Hm? Oh no I'm just not at a hundred percent yet, I'll be back soon, promise." He smiled, something told him he shouldn't tell too many people about his powers, but god he was gonna have to tell Ned, he'd find out sooner or later anyway. Just not now.

"Okay, well Liz and Mj send their best, and I hope you get better soon too homie." Ned responded, not entirely believing him.

"Thanks man, I'll see ya." Peter hung up and sighed, running a hand through his hair. He knew he would be going back to school next week, and back to the bakery and a normal life. He just wasn't sure if he was ready for all of the stress that was going to go with it. He had mountains of homework and Lord knows how many shifts he needed to take at the bakery to make it for  his slacking. And the worst part? He was like Hannah fricking Montana. Except only like three people actually knew about his powers. Or so he thought...

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