Hard Times

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Cayla's POV

I looked up from my phone as I heard a knock on my door. "Come in" I said locking my phone.

"Hey Cayla I wanted to tell you guys this individually."
Kehlani said nervously.

"What happened?" I said scared.

"I got a call when you guys first got here. At the time all of your mothers were on a plane going to Europe, The call was from a hospital in Mississippi. They told me that all of your mothers were in the hospital. I wanted to tell you when you guys first got here but I was scared to because things were going good for you guys." Kehlani said with tears flowing down her cheeks.

By the time she had said I hospital I literally broke down. Kehlani sat there and held me. "This is all my fault." I said sobbing "No it's not Cayla. You weren't there when it happened."

We sat there for 5 minutes and I guess Camai heard me crying because she bursted through the door running towards me. "Group hug?" She asked.

"No Camai. But now that your in here I feel like your gonna break down too."

"What h-happened?" She said.

Camai is an emotional person when it comes to our mom.

"Well I had got a call from a hospital in Mississippi saying that all of your mothers were in a hospital."
Kehlani said trying not to cry.

"W-what" Camai said Starting to cry as she hopped on the bed with her hands on her face.

"Cayla can you comfort your sister? I'm gonna go tell Maisie and Yasmin. Do you want to come?" Kehlani said standing up.

"I'll come. Maisie has asthma and I know what to do if she ever has an attack."
I said standing up.

"Camai are you coming?" Right now she was laying flat on her back in my bed.

She nodded her head as she got up and wiped her tears.

We walked over to Nalani's room. She was playing "Girls Like You" by Maroon 5 and Cardi B.

I knocked on her door as she turned the music off.

"Maisie I have something to tell you." Kehlani said as she walked over to sit on her bed.

"Ok what is it?" She said giving Kehlani her full attention.

"Well I had got a phone call from a hospital in Mississippi saying all of your mothers were in the hospital." She said as she shed a few tears.

"WHAT?" Maisie and Yasmin screamed. I'm guessing Camai went to go get Yasmin because we turned around and she was on the floor on her knees crying.

Maisie was hyperventilating at this point Kehlani helped her with that because I had ran over to Yasmin to comfort her. She was rocking back and forth saying "I want my mommy"

I sat next to her holding her. Although I'm the smallest out of everybody here, I am the oldest about of the four.

"Follow my breathing Maisie." Kehlani said trying to get Maisie to calm down.

She was fine about a minute later but was being held by Kehlani. Her comforting us feels like the best thing ever because she's really warm and sweet.

"Are we going to see them" Camai said still standing at the door.

"Yeah but not today. I wanted to go next week because I'm going there anyways for a concert."

"Ok" we all said together

"Is it ok if I stay in your room?" Maisie said looking up at Kehlani.

"You don't have to ask. I know how you guys feel."

"Ok thanks"

"Can we go to Micah's house?" I asked

Me and Micah have a good relationship but not as much as me and Kehlani. Micah always knows how to make things better in a bad situation.


Kehlani's POV

*Micah's House*

Today has been a rough day. I wanted them to know I was there with them through everything. I was laying on the couch talking with Micah about it.

"Just be there for them K. You know how emotional 11 year olds are." Micah said looking at me.

"What is that supposed to mean. Micah your supposed to be helping me!" I said rolling my eyes.

"Sorry." She said getting up and going to the kitchen.

"Hey Micah, I think you should date someone. You have too much of a big house to be staying here by yourself." I said walking into the kitchen picking up an apple.

"Maybe you should do the same Lani."

"Maybe I will." I said with a little sass

I love messing with her.

I wanted to finish this. I don't really have any ideas. Comment your ideas for names of schools and names for boys and girls. I'm making a new book that I've been thinking about.

I wanted it to be a love story between Maisie and Yasmin but when their in high school.

I'm tired. I'm gonna go read tho. CATCH YA LATER COCONUTS🥥

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