Mississippi (Part 1)

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Kehlani Ashley Parrish
A few months back..I told the girls that we were gonna be going to Mississippi to see their mothers. Let's just say Camai was crying the whole way to the hospital.

Right now the girls are sitting in the waiting room while I'm trying to see what rooms their moms are in. There taking forever to give me a response.

"Um..Excuse me?"


I know she di-

She didn't just do that.

This lady told me to fucking wait. I've been standing here for about 30 minutes.

"Lady I know you didn't tell me to wai-"
She fucking cut me off again. She better be lucky I'm pregnant cuz if I wasn't I would've took the pen she's writing with and stabbed her with it.

I'm trying to stay calm so imma try this one more time.

"Um excuse me I've been waiting here for about 30 to 35 minutes and I have 4 girls waiting in that living room over there....and I DARE you to stick up your finger at me one more time and tell me to wait."

"Sorry ma'am what's their names." The lady at the desk said.
Finally bitch you could've answered the first time.

"Kira Jackson, Naya Cooper,and Alex Fernandez"I said tapping my fingernails on the desk.

"Okay rooms 427,429,and 4,32" she said clicking her pen and went back to writing as I thanked her and walked away.

When I got back the only ones that were awake was Camai and Yasmin.

I woke up Maisie and Cayla. Coley went back home because she had to do a project for school that she couldn't miss.

We walked into the elevator and I saw someone I never thought I'd see ever again...


I know real short I was bored and could find anything to read or watch on YouTube.

But hey SHUSH. Kehlani said so....

Btw I'm late but who cares Happy Halloween...or in the words of my best friend Happy Diabetes Day. ❤️🍭

Love, The Girls Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя