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This is a new story which I've based on Captain America Civil War.
Wanda's POV

There was no hint of the calming blue sky, just flocked grey clouds weeping rain and spitting thunder. No sunlight could pierce through the rumbling mist above, almost shielding the storm wanting it to continue. I sighed, placing down my book and peering out into the dim muddy fields, sipping from my peppermint tea every now and then. The only sound was the light ticking of the clock and the rain tapping at the windows. I continued to examine the landscape, slightly blurred due to the rain constantly running down the window. I couldn't help but ponder for a few moments, I had everything I needed at my fingertips, food, shelter and all this luxury.. And yet there are people out there who have suffered for nothing. Living on the streets relying on the goodness of other people's hearts if they could anyway help them at all. I've done nothing but murder innocent civilians because of the lack of control of my powers. The limit to my scarlet powers are still a mystery, I am not sure what I am capable of. I'm a monster, I'm too dangerous, I don't deserve this. I should be with Petrio...
"Don't think that about yourself."
I jumped as I turned to face Vision, leaning against the wall on my room a frown etched on his face.
"Vis, I told you about knocking! You scared the living day lights out of me." I sighed a little, helping you relax after the androids unexpected approach.
"Ah, I'm sorry Miss Maximoff, I'll make sure you're aware of my presence next time."
"Thanks, and call me Wanda." I smiled slightly. The room felt silent until Vis cleared his throat.

"I know it has been difficult for you recently Wanda, but I want to let you know that I'm always here to help and comfort you if needed. More lives were saved then lost."

I didn't reply, I continued to gaze down at the tea I had latched in my hands. He realised that I needed some time to myself and took this as his time to leave, although I had my back faced towards him when he reached the door, I could tell he paused for a moment before exiting my room. I sat back down, tapping my fingers on the side of my mug yet again viewing the feilds from the window.

Vision's POV

After clarifying a small talk with Wanda, I made my way to the lounge where the Avengers were. Natasha and Clint were discussing matters along side weaponry and firearms as Sam and Steve were arm wrestling. (In which of course, Captain Rogers always won.) I approached Mr. Stark, updating him on Wanda's mental and physical health as he was also concerned.

"She still isn't eating but I caught her sipping at some peppermint tea, I think that's a sign of progress but still I can see the effects that the lack of food is having on her." Vision frowned as he recalled the stats when he took the scans before the incident in Nigeria, and now. She has lost a lot of weight since then and yet still decided to train, her scarlet hexes applying more pressure onto her mind more then usual as she has now started using magic to support herself in various activities, such as standing for a long period of time or sometimes even running. Stark sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fore finger and thumb.

"How can we get Wanda to eat? It's clearly visible that it's having an effect on her. I don't want to force it but we need her." He muttered through gritted teeth, obviously stressed and lost in thought, I took some quick research to find the most appealing types of food and a suggestion came in mind.

"How about chocolate?" I asked.

"Chocolate? Vis, that's not proper food. It's candy." Stark face palmed shaking his head a little. I hung my head and gazed at my feet, trying to think of other solutions in which might tempt the witch into eating again. Tony snickered, then chuckled a little shaking his head slightly.
"What is it Mr. Stark? I questioned, uncertain about how much he really cared about Wanda if he was giggling while we were talking about her health.
"No I'm just thinking that you're going to have to beg her." I paused.
"Why me?" My face twisted in confusion, awaiting Stark's response.
"You might have an effect on her, your powers are quite similar and you're a... Smart android." I could tell Tony was avoid calling my the smartest but I can see where he is coming from. Another giggle passed through his mouth. I lifted my brow.
"How seriously are you taking this case Mr. Stark?" It was unknown to me how one person can quickly change emotions and become giggly through a tough subject like this.
"Oh I'm taking it seriously, it's just me imagining you doing puppy eyes at her."
"Puppy eyes?" I took a quick research on what he meant by that, I found multiple images of a creature, that humans named 'Dog'. They seem to be quite find with these animals and 'cute'.
"Well I'm not sure if that's necessary-"
"Oh it is! In fact I think you should try it. People love it, I think it might work." I saw this mischief in his eyes and yet I pressed my lips into a thin line.
"If it helps I won't hesitate to do it Stark." I came to a conclusion to a mini dilemma in my mind. I'm pretty sure that he wasn't going to try and mock me?
"Good! I have some food here for her so we can start from there-" He handed me a tray full of this food and cocked his head to the direction of Miss. Maximoff's room, well Wanda.
"Don't forget the puppy eyes!" Mr Stark smiled, tapping at a hologram. I nodded my head in response, making my way down the hallway and approached Wanda's room.
I prepared myself quickly before knocking on her door, waiting for a few moments. No reply. I tilted my head a little, slightly confused and knocked again. Still No reply.
No reply.
A/N: Not really fluffy but it's a build up, definitely doing a part two and then the fluff will come tumbling through. Right now I need to drop my brother off to the vets to get a check up, see ya laters.

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