ScarletVision Part 2

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A/N: Just a continue to the story and hopefully more fluff!
(PS: I think I might have a little crush on Petrio...)
Wanda's POV:
I just kept running. I escaped out of my room and dashed to the fields, hoping to reach the forest so I can be sheltered and hidden by the canopy of leaves coating the earth like a green ocean. I had to use my powers to help me run as I felt week, the Scarlet hexes summoning in my hands. Although I didn't want to use too much of it, the orbs are visible from the Avengers facility due to the bright red mist and it can put too much pressure on my mind. Tears seeped through the corner of my eyes as I kept running, I hit the forest and sat down for a few moments catching my breath. I'm doing this for a reason. There is one thing I need to do, I need to get back to Slovakia.. Well the remains of it. I continued to ponder as I hurried through the forest, using my powers to not only help me run but also cover my tracks. I know this isn't going to end well, but at least I got out of my room. I settled myself at a working pace and continue to make my way through the forest as I planned on transport. After Ultron I don't think there will be any flights going to Slovakia.. I can always take a plane to Austria and cross borders. But first I'm going to make sure I get out of the forest.

Vision's POV
After no response for a few moments, I let myself in, bringing the tray with me. Wanda wasn't to be found as I checked her room, I knocked onto her bathroom door to make sure I wasn't going to invade her privacy if she was hiding in there... But still no response. I went back into her bedroom and still called her name, I felt something in the stone in my head.. It felt weaker. Maybe it was Wanda's doing? Our powers are both linked to this unknown crystal so maybe I can track her down with it? I paused as I saw a folded note by her bedside cabinet, I went to pick it up and observe almost certain that it was a message she left behind.
I'll be back in a few minutes, just gone to the store to get something.
I felt relieved that she wasn't in any trouble, especially after the public incident and people might be hunting her down, but I won't let that happen to her. She doesn't deserve to be put through all this stress and pressure. I replaced the note with the tray and phased through the wall, heading to Tony stark to inform her whereabouts.

A/n: I'm sorry I think it's best I leave this short. The writing is terrible and plain so I'll give myself some time to get motivated and hopefully I'll be back on track and in the swing to start writing again. I'll still be updating though when I can. So sorry about this.

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