⋞Fluff Pt 3≽

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A/n: REMINDER: All fluffs are separate from the actual ScarletVision chapters and each fluff has their own story. PS sorry for not publishing for a while, school had been on my ass like crazy.
The stars were hidden and tucked under the heavy clouds of mist that were slowly stretching across the night, the moon hung full and forever bright, the moonlight casted was only smudged by the passing clouds dimming the night. Recently, the compound has been filled with the spooky spirit and even Tony suggested to celebrate with a 'small' Halloween party.
"C'mon man, you gotta dress up as the Terminator." Sam chuckled, giving Tony a playful punch. The glass that was raised to Stark's lips, slowly lowered as he crumpled his face in a confused look.
"If I dress up as Terminator, you have to wear a penguin suit." He glanced at Sam who only responded with a questioning look.
"Just... Never mind I'm all out of ideas." Tony quickly took a sip from his glass, downing the golden bubbly liquid.
"You guys seriously dressing up for Halloween? I thought that's what the kids do." Sam and Tony turned to Natasha, she was leaning on the doorway still in her catsuit, dressed in all black as per usual and fully equipped with her weapons. She must have just came out of training. Sam only snorted, trying to hide the fact that he was slightly insulted.
"And where is your Halloween spirit Nat? Or are you too boring?" The falcon scoffed. Nat smiled, pointing at a headband she was wearing. She had a small headband with little black cat ears rising from the drowning waves of her hair.
"Wow very creative Nat, ten outta ten." Sam's sarcastic tone triggered a cold glare from the assassin which quickly softened and a grin tugged at her lips.
"Anyone seen Maximoff?" Steve popped his head from the doorframe, worry lined on his face.
"Don't worry Steve, I think they went pumpkin shopping." Natasha brushed past Falcon and Tony and headed towards Rogers.
"They?" Cap tilted his head like a confused puppy.
"Oh yeah, Vision went with her too."

People loitered around market stalls which was scattered throughout the streets, skeletal trees swayed in the gentle breeze towering over the herd of people. The night was thrumming with life, pulsing throughout the streets and the networks of buildings bringing the city alive. Wanda Maximoff and Vision calmly strolled through the veins of the city, arms linked and smiles beaming from their faces, occasional giggles sang past their lips followed by tears of laughter and Joy, overcoming the chilling spirit and environments decorated to send chills trough the passengers spine.
"Look at this!" Wanda gasped, she hurried over and admired the size of a massive plump pumpkin, resting on the display stand of the store. She pressed her hands against the window peering inside, before lightly grabbing Vision's wrist and tugging him inside.
"Imagine carving that..." She trailed off resting her hand on the fruit.
"Quite an extraordinary size I must say." Vision himself observed the pumpkin in awe, he still couldn't capture the idea of why carving pumpkins were quite a popular part of the event but Wanda promised to tell him all her Halloween stories when she was small, hoping he would be able to wrap his mind around the celebration. The android snapped back into reality after hearing a bunch of children charge inside the store, all dressed and carrying their bags of goodies and sweets. There was three in total, one of them was dressed as Captain America, the other was Tony and there was a Hulk too, he couldn't help but chuckle amongst himself. The Scarlet witch turned to face them and gave a heartwarming smile, but how they reacted wasn't quite what they expected.
"It's the magic witch, mummy said she is dangerous we should go!" The small Iron man squealed before dashing out of the door.
"Quick before we get hurt!" He continued as mini Rogers and hulk followed. Wanda paled, it was like an invisible hand reached for her chest and squeezed her heart. She couldn't help the tears seeping through her now dying hazel eyes as her gaze sunk to her feet. Vision himself felt hurt, almost as if them words pierced through his skin and quickly turned to Wanda who was silently sobbing.
"Wanda, listen." He curled his finger under her chin and lightly tugged her head upwards so her eyes met his, as he brushed her tears away with his thumb. This wasn't the only time they were approached and caught in public, stares were emitted from passers or whispers were uttered amongst their lips. The world didn't really know the soft side of Wanda, but only know the 'trouble and chaos' she had caused back in Lagos and concluded that she was an extremely dangerous individual and was avoided most of the time. The news only spew the bad information which was broadcasted around the globe, almost drilling the hatred into people's minds and kept their distance. But hearing the fear from a child was almost as if she was punctured with thousands of blades to her heart.
"They don't know who you really are.. They haven't seen you. All they know of you came from a television screen and nothing else. You wouldn't and can't hurt anybody, you're the softest and sweetest person I have ever met." He cooed, he could she her eyes lighting up a little and a forced smile stretched at her lips.
"They won't ever know and they'll still think of me as a monster." Wanda sighed heavily through her nose, her gaze returning to her feet.
"Listen." He once again brung Wanda's eyes to his.
"You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing things with logic. True power is restraint. If words control you that means everyone else can control you. Breathe and allow things to pass." He continued to brush her cheek in idle circles with his thumb, her face blushing scarlet. Instead of tears of pain, it was now joy and passion, them tears he did not sweep away.
"Oh Vis.." She locked her arms around his neck before sealing his lips with hers, tears still spilling down her cheeks. Vision wrapped his arms around her in return, engulfing her in a hug. Sweet solid seconds fluttered past before they broke the kiss and still enveloped each other in a hug, swaying slightly from side to side.
"Thank you. Thank you for everything." Her voice was slightly broken due to the tears and it was muffled as her face was still pressed to his chest, not yet broken the hug. The amount of times he comforted her was countless, he did everything he could to make her happy. If she was happy, then he was happy.
A/n: Sorry it took a while to update, I have been so busy it is unreal.. School has literally drained the life out of me. Anyways I hope you have enjoyed it! Might be a bit cheesy and short but hey I linked it to Halloween! I still don't know when I can post next as I'm returning back to the ScarletVision story now, I just add fluffs occasionally here and there because the story is a bit slow. Take care I hope I can publish quicker this time!

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