ScarletVision Part 3

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A/n: I'm just going to get the boring story part out of the way so.. Sorry that it isn't that interesting but I promise you there will be more fluff in the next chapter.
"She can't be exposed to the public in case of another incident! The world sees her as a threat!" Stark boomed, he didn't take the note very well and was very concerned for the public's safety but I think his statement is incorrect. Wanda is no threat, she is a young, smart and a matured woman. Her powers are no gift nor curse she is just simply unique. Tony sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger, tilting his head back. I decided to leave and begin to find the Scarlet Witch but before I could, Mr Stark interrupted me.
"If you find her make sure she doesn't leave this building. We can't afford another incident the cost is raised too high, so to help you on this urgent request I am sending a team also to sweep the streets. You're both connected by the stone right? Maybe you can find her somehow through that thing but whatever you do make it quick." He sighed again before storming off and muttering something under his breath. I felt confused why Wanda would just... Disappear without a reason. Did I do something wrong?

Wanda's POV
I'm surprised that I haven't been caught yet, I'm not needed to the Avengers, they deserve someone better. I was just approaching the airport but I was interrupted.
"Hey Wanda." I turned to face whoever it was.
"Natasha... What a surprise." I was genuinely surprised to see her, I don't know how she managed to track me.
"You should stop wearing red. And if you're trying to attempt to run at least switch your style." She started walking towards me and I stepped back.
"What do you want Nat?" I sounded more demanding then I was supposed to, making Widow raise a brow.
"We want you back at the facility and safe." I scoffed and Natasha tilted her head in question.
"You mean you want me to stay away from people in case I hurt them." It fell silent for a few moments.
"Do you think that you're the only monster on this team?" Her voice was more stern and rough.
"I'm thinking that I'm the only monster in the world.." I hung my head to hide the tears slowly pouring down my face. I didn't bother retreating as I heard her approach me. I braced myself and went tense from her emerging presence but she only patted me on the shoulder.
"You're no monster, you're a strong and independent woman, and an Avenger. You saved more lives then those at risk. We all want you back and we're all concerned for your safety." I closed my eyes and plunged my mind into deep thought and ponder, debating for a couple of minutes. Maybe I can prove myself, not only to the other Avengers but to the world I'm not who they saw and killed all those innocent people.. I shook my head avoiding that thought and looked up to Natasha, her hand still attached to my shoulder. I nodded as she guided me towards the quinjet, hovering above the traffic. This is my time to change.

Vision's POV
I heard Black Widow has found Wanda and that she willingly took her invitation to return to the facility. I couldn't have been more excited or happier, I just hope she is in a healthy condition and wasn't hurt. For some reason I can't help but always stay to help her as if I'm attached somehow. I only wish for her to be happy, after all she has been though she deserves so much more. I pulled myself out from my self conversation to realise our agents have returned. I observed the Scarlet Witch to see if she has taken any damage, I did a quick scan of her heart rate and any pain which could be throbbing or indication discomfort but everything seemed fine apart from a few visible scratches and a sprain in her wrist. I watched as she apologised to us in which we refused to accept in the manner that the casualty was in the past and it wasn't her fault, she is only learning. They called a nurse to observe her health which I interrupted and insisted in helping her myself, as I already did a scan and researched the process of basic first aid and know how to treat certain injuries. The nurse took my advice and gave me a small amount of recourses of needed at use, plasters or bandages. Wanda was slightly surprised to hear that I was going to help instead but didn't refuse my aid.
"You have multiple scratches and you've sprained your wrist." I frowned at the small amount of damage, I was hoping that it wasn't someone else who inflict that pain to her otherwise I'm not sure how I could cope with the feeling of her being attacked.
"Vis thanks for your help but I should be fine, it's just a couple of scratches." I hadn't finished treating her but she still got up and was prepared to leave to her room.
"Did anyone do this to you?" I couldn't help but ask.
"Nobody except me who got me into this state and put you all through a panic attack because I was stupid enough to disappear." She sighed, but her voice became slightly wobbly and I could tell she felt guilt and sadness. 
"You're here and you're safe now, that is all that matters."
A smile lightly spread across her rose cheeks, as she looked up to gaze at me.
"Thanks Vis."
"No need to thank me." I watched as she headed back to her room to change, her clothes were tattered and worn, I'd imagine slightly uncomfortable. Why she left was still a mystery, I could always look to her thoughts to find the reason but I don't want to invade her privacy especially after this sudden.. Event. Although she was still limping a little, it might be the strict contraption of her clothes? I decided to take a step and somehow, transferred all her pain onto me, so she couldn't feel any. I saw her pause in the distance to turn to me.
"Are you taking my pain?"
"You need some rest, the pain can cause a lot of discomfort and I wish for you to recover soon." She sighed and walked towards me, drawn back to another conversation.
"It's my pain and I deserve it. Please don't take it from me you don't need this."
"I want to, and I can recover the pain in my system so it should be repaired, when I give it back to you, you should feel no pain. It will only take a few minutes." We both realised the pain wasn't really severe in any case but it was just uncomfortable. She debated for a few moments before giving in with a sigh.
"Fine, promise me you'll give it back I don't want you to suffer."
"I promise." Smiling over my small victory.
A/n: A bit of the story there, sorry there wasn't anything that much cute but the next chapter should be very fluffy and hopefully adorable. Still trying to keep on top of the schedule so please excuse the slow updates I'm trying my best. At the moment I have to binge watch all Marvel movies because they are fucking amazing. I'll see you in future.

ScarletVision~ Fluffs and OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin