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The car slowly rested into a stop and sunk a little to the ground as the team pulled up to an isolated cottage on the fringe of a small, quiet village which had recently been patrolled by Ross's men. Coming back to where they previously searched made it very unlikey that Ross would turn the village into a hunting ground again, not unless Cap's team exposed themselves.
"Sam and I will check for heat signatures to see if anyone is inside. Clint you can scout and keep an eye out for company from behind and front, Redwing has the sides covered. Wanda make sure Natasha isn't getting any worse, we couldn't find any cotton or alcohol to properly treat the wound." With a nod, the team confirmed their instructions given by Steve and got into position and Wanda instantly rushed to Romanoff's side. Although she reached out to check how her shoulder was doing, Natasha waved Wanda's hands away with her good arm to not let her worry about it.
"I insist." Wanda furrowed her brows and glared at Natasha, dipping her head in concern.
"Don't worry about it." The assassins eyes still remained fixed upon the trees dusted with snow ahead of her, as she sat down and leaned her back against the rough cobblestone wall with the Scarlet Witch.
A moment of silence engulfed the atmosphere making Wanda tug slightly at her sleeve as the silence made her uncomfortable. She didn't really engage in many conversations with the Black Widow as she found that Natasha was quite austere and mainly serious, so the lack of bonding and interaction just made it awkward. Romanoff stirred slightly before turning her head to look at Wanda, her eyes were fixed and calculating as she analysed the Witch's features, almost as if she was trying to read her. Maximoff knew that look, and most victims of her calculating stare were soon exposed to their true emotion in which they had failed to attempt to hide or mask. In order to avoid being sussed out by Natasha, she gave her a confused and perplexed look- her gaze questioning. Although the only response she received from Widow was a huff of laughter.
"You still miss him." Romanoff rolled her head to gaze back at the trees and nature ahead, leaving Wanda with her still 'confused' face.
"I don't know what you're talking about." The Witch slowly muttered.
"Yes you do, I know what love looks like."
Wanda arched a brow.
"Since when?" The question slipped from the Witch's lips.
"Since you and Vision got close... And before hand I suppose." Natasha's words barely came out as a mutter and Wanda sighed heavily through her nose.
"I don't know what to do. I don't know how I even feel about him anymore."
"I could almost pity you. Y'know you two would have been great together but if it weren't for the accords I'm pretty sure you guys would still be into each other." Although Romanoff's words were like a knife to the heart, she couldn't help but admit it was true.
"If you're missing him, then you must still love him. Maybe if we get out of here I can maybe he'll you gallop off into the sunset with your lover." Natasha snickered at the last sentence but returned her gaze to Wanda.
"You'd really do that?" The Witch almost leapt up with excitement.
"If. If we get out of here then sure. I just hope you realise that you're lucky you have someone to love. You should take it for granted, unlike a few of us.." Maximoff could see the hurt in the assassin's eyes but within a blink it disappeared. She opened her mouth to speak but Steve interrupted with Sam, calling Clint over to gather. He looked a lot paler than a moment ago, and Sam looked the same.
"We have checked that it's clear but... We have received an Interesting message." Rogers shuffled his feet a little as he gazed to Sam, his face crumpled with confusion and uncertainty.
"Who sent the message?" Natasha lifted a brow as she rose to her feet, yet again declining Wanda's aid to help her up. Steve huffed a nervous laugh before his gaze sunk to his feet. He shook his head slightly still in disbelief which triggered questioning stares from the rest of the team.
"He wants to stop this. To settle this war. He even somehow persuaded to call off Ross's man hunt." No one moved.
Wanda's face scrunched up in disgust and her brows furrowed, almost covering her narrowed eyes which coiled with fire. She had never had such hatred for one man, and as if she spat venom with gritted teeth, the Witch simply growled:
A/N: Sorry these chapters are flopping, I need to find more motivation :/

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