ScarletVision ~Part Five

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Wanda swayed and stumbled as she tried walking forwards, hiccuping and giggling from time to time. Vision was currently trying not to let her escape from his sights, just in case she toppled over or broke anything.
"Let's get you to your room." The android was desperately trying to get Wanda to her room so she could rest, after all the clock just struck twelve.
"Aw why? I'm having so much fun!" She shot her arms to the air releasing her excitement, nearly falling over in the process. Vision took hold of her and gently placed his hand on her back, guiding Wanda to her room.
"I think that's enough fun for today." A frown formed on his face, he was disappointed in himself and that he couldn't believe he let the Witch raid and drink almost all the bottles they had. He could have thought of a better solution.
"Don't be a kill joy! Come and have a drink with me!" Wanda slurred, reaching to grab an near empty bottle resting on the counter. Before she could grasp it, the android stole it from her and hid it behind his back, at first the witch was confused but then she recovered to what just happened and turned to Vision.
"Please?" She pulled a puppy face, doing little whines looking up at him. Vision's head crumpled as he debated how he could avoid this situation.
"I'm afraid I can't allow you to be in reach of any alcohol. You appear to be very intoxicated, and I wish you would take some rest to reduce the risk of you getting harmed." He quietly disposed the bottle and continued to escort Wanda to her room, although the glimmer of the sunlight reflecting off the glass bottle caught her eye and she paused.
"Wait, wait, wait.. One more sip.." Instead of physically attempting to retrieve the bottle, the Witch summoned her hexes, the red mist pouring out of her hands like ink dissolving in water. Although, as she was intoxicated, her mind couldn't properly command her powers at will. Instead of pulling the glass towards her, it shattered. Splinters of glass scattered across the floor and the remaining trickle of liquid was now nothing but a puddle.
"Oops." She hiccuped, still swaying a little. A massive frown spread across her face as she turned away, avoiding to glance at the small incident she caused.
"Might be right, I'm goin' to bed now." Wanda palmed her face, rubbing her eyes and head hoping to clear herself a little as she shuffled forwards, Vision's hand still glued to her back as he continued to escort the witch back to her room.

Wanda's POV
Ugh my head was throbbing as I sat up, untangling myself from my bedsheets. I groaned as I peered out of the window, mist coated the fields and the star freckled night engulfed the atmosphere, forcing the sun into hiding. I found it a misery to peel myself from my bed, at first I could barely even walk straight! I leaned on the wall to help regain my balance, using it as a support as I stumbled out of my room heading for the kitchen. My eyelids were so heavy, my body is so weak I don't even know how I'm walking. The tiredness felt like an anchor, just dragging me back as I struggled making my way forwards.
"Are you in need of assistance?" Vision slightly hovered above the marble tiles that were planted around the kitchen, slowly approaching me.
"I'm fine Vis... Just tired." I muttered, my voice was so crackled and broken it was hard to understand what I was saying.
"You look extremely tired, and you also have a migraine which I would suggest you take some medication." He headed towards one of the cupboards to find a source of treatment. I almost giggled to how caring he was.
"It's ok. Honestly." I reached the kitchen and clutched onto the counter, trying to confirm if it was stable and if I could use it to support myself.
"If you have trouble standing, I can always bring you a chair or stool?" Although I hated to admit it, I might need something to sit down on. Confirming his request, I nodded my head. I also hated to admit that whenever he is around me, a sudden warmth would overcome me like a rolling wave amongst a stormy ocean. I felt safe in his presence. Maybe he feels the same way too?

A/n: Sorry this was kinda short, the next chapter will slightly merge with CA: CW (maybe) still debating though, but I really want to push these guys on. I'm sorry if it's a bit slow but I don't want them to suddenly and magically fall in love because I don't think that really works? Plus, I can fit a lot of Fluffs n' stuff. Right now I have to do 40min on the running machine so just kill me now.

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