⋘Narrow Escape⋙

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The car jerked a little as Natasha tried to regain her focus on the wheel, ignoring the bullet wound which sunk into her arm. She didn't cry out in pain but she did hiss, clutching her wound with one hand whilst steering with the other. Steve frantically rummaged one of the pocket compartments at the front for a first aid kit and pulled out a few bandages.
"They're on our tail" Cap yelled over the rain of bullets, showering upon them.
"No shit Captain obvious!" Sam shrieked, pulling out two automatic pistoles after breaking the back window. Wanda created a barrier around the SUV to ensure no more bullets could pierce anymore skin and to shield falcon who was furiously firing in their direction.
"Stop firing! They're bullet-proof damnit!" Clint grabbed his bow but didn't nock an arrow, he was scanning for any weak spots that might have been harmed due to the harsh weather or the rocky road they were currently being chased on. Sweat sat on Wanda's brow, the force of all the bullets against her barrier was anchored to her mind but with gritted teeth and determination, she didn't let that kernel of red orb disperse from her palms. Red mist still coated the car like a second layer of skin, but regardless of her shield, Ross's men still continued to spit fire and enclose further on them.
"I got a few rockets left, if you drop your barrier for a split second I'll fire from underneath them. It might not pierce their armour but If I hit them from bellow, they might flip over!" Sam was strapping his pistols back into his holsters and prepared to engage his rockets. The Scarlet Witch slightly hesitated, knowing that there would be a possibility that not only S.H.E.I.L.D.'s SUV, but theirs too could be tossed over the lip of the mountain. Closing her eyes, Wanda released the mist as it dissolved into the air like ink in water, and a Blizzard of bullets just about slipped past them, brutally shredding the car inside and out.
"NOW." Clint screamed, and with that word, the sound of multiple rockets whisked through the air, before erupting at the tailing vehicles. Snow leapt to cover the disastrous scene as the cars flipped, skidding across the iced road and plummeted down the side of the mountain but the other was sent colliding into a rock that peaked from the blankets of snow. The scene fell silent, Wanda was gazing through the shattered back window alongside Sam and Clint, whereas Steve still intertwined a bandage over Natasha's wound. Panted breaths were huffed as the Avengers took time to relax and calm themselves after the narrow escape from S.H.E.I.L.D's jaws. The wind whipped through the windows and small dented holes which were pierced by the bullets, but as their SUV was also bullet proof, not much damage was caused except from the windows.
"Everyone ok?" Cap's voice was rasp and sounded dry from panic but he was relieved when everyone nodded their heads, a few scratch and bruises but no minor injuries (except Natasha's). Wanda tilted her head back against the headrest of her seat, calming the whirlpool of thoughts that fluttered her mind. She shook her head, a slight pain throbbing symbolizing a migraine coming shortly but other than that, she was first fine. Although she couldn't help but ponder about that Android... What if he was informed of this? What would he do or feel? Although she hated to admit and cursed her mind for it, the witch was hoping that she would soon be held and engulfed into his warm, delicate arms.
A/n: Sorry for this short one, but I'm going to be writing another fanfic along with this, it will be based on Black widow and I'll leave you guys to request who to ship her with because I'm still not 100%.


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