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Wanda's POV

We literally threw ourselves into the SUV's stored in the back garage of the safehouse, weapons steady and loaded, safe clips off. I sat at the back with Clint and Sam, watching the others climb in. Nat and Steve were at the front, with Romanoff driving whilst Cap kept glancing over his shoulders, waiting for any unexpected guests. I hated to admit this but, something didn't feel right, something bad is going to happen. The knots in my stomach tightened, my face was drained of colour and my lips pressed into a thin line. I couldn't help but re-cap the horrors I endured back at that cell in the raft, if that were to happen again.. I don't think a I could live with it~

Needles prickled at my skin, strong arms pinned my thrashing body restraining my limbs so I could no longer buck or free myself from their grasp. My head was swimming, leaking as tears poured from my heavy eyes and pain pierced at my body, causing me to grit my teeth in stress and agony. Whatever that was in those needles, it made my eye-lids heavy and my limbs, soon enough becoming stiff and numb. Tranquilizers. Pinned and captured like a wild animal. I felt a heavy metal substance latch onto my throat, the cold steel gnawing at my skin as I shook my head lightly in discomfort. I can't fight this. A sudden pain crept up in my stomach as if I'd been kicked and I let out a yelp. Biggest mistake. The second I cried out, volts of electricity shredded at my throat, making me want to scream more and my hands clawed at my screeching face. I had to clamp my mouth shut and bite down my tongue to prevent myself from screaming. The pain still lingered there, swelling under the shock-collar growing in pain. I was too scared to even breathe.. I couldn't think or do anything. I was just trapped. It wasn't long before darkness eating at the edges of my vision.. Soon overcoming me as I was engulfed in what seemed like an endless deep sleep~

My gaze trailed off to the floor, swallowing as I revisited the painful memories and tried to pull myself together.
"Everyone ready?" I heard Roger's voice beacon in front of me, causing me to look up. We all nodded, and I felt my body jolt back slightly as Natasha set her foot onto the gas pedal, breaking into a sudden and quick acceleration. The vehicle started ploughing through the layers of snow, denting the smooth blankets of ice and cut through the harsh breeze that pushed itself against us. This is it. A game of cat and mouse, and not all games are played fairly. The path we decided to take was a rough one, occasionally bouncing off of our seats but thanks to Natasha, it was soon professionally handled and guided, hoping for Ross's men to get caught into a struggle if they were to follow our trails which is very likely. Every second just felt like a building tension to a countdown upon an uncertain event, I couldn't put my finger on it but I'm waiting for it to happen.
"Something is going to happen, and I fear it's not exactly good either." My voice wobbled as I confessed my concern, Sam and Clint turned to look at me with puzzled expressions.
"Whatever it is, we'll pull through. I promise." Steve's voice was somehow reassuring, slightly soothing my nerves. I shook my head, before glancing over my shoulder to see if they were on our tail's. The snow that the tires shredded through clouded behind, latching onto the back of the vehicle like its own shadow which really wasn't helping . The thick mist left my vision clouded, not even spotting a hint of black or other blurred colours that might slowly emerge from the distance.
"I can't see behind us." My eyes continued to dart across the hills of snow from my tinted window, just in case they were thinking of flanking or hitting the rear, I could also tell that we were off the mountain road as now it was a lot smoother and less snow cursed our sights.
"We're almost there, another five minutes." Natasha replied this time, the rest of her focus dedicated to the tarmac road rolling ahead into the distance. This is it, it could happen anytime now, any second. We only have five minutes and I can tell they're going to come for us while we're in the SUV, because we are all huddled together and if we needed to split up there would be a slight delay in leaving the moving vehicle. I continued to gnaw and bite on my lip, my stomach churning as if I had a fist to the gut. All of his was expected, but then it also wasn't.
I gasped, alarmed to find a gaping hole in Natasha's arm, blood slowly oozing from her wound, the bullet had pierced right through the back window and sunk into her flesh.
A/n: Sorry it has been a while, preparing for mock exams which is taking the majority of my time but yay I finally uploaded! I'm sorry if this has kinda flopped too, things will get more interesting sooner or later as you can see, I just need to borrow more time to write it. Thanks for supporting me guys and thanks for 1K reads!❤️

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