Scarlet Vision (part 4)

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A/n: Trying to push them together a little! Sorry if it's a bit slow but I just don't want them magically falling in love and I want a process so I can fit in more cute fluffs and stuff. This chapter is me trying to write cute so Enjoy I guess. (Also I have published the first chapter of Romanogers 'Caught In The Spider's Web.)
Vision's POV
Only me and Wanda stayed at the facility as Tony Stark and the others went off to Germany. There has been a recent debate whether the Avengers should only be able to act and fight under governments permission. It has led to the Avenger's parting, each of them attached to their own opinions resulting to an argument in which has now concluded into a Civil War. I kept my promise to Mr Stark, not just keeping her here for public safety, but also for her own. I would not want to see her fighting other agents or teammates as she has not yet acknowledged what they are capable of. Even though I am certain that she is one of the strongest Avengers. To distant ourselves from the war, I decided to take and try on human roles. Earlier I prepared to cook for Wanda in which... Went well I suppose but slightly misread the need or certain ingredients. Although the conversation twisted to a rather painful discussion. I realised I might have hurt her feelings and that Miss Maximoff might feel that I do not trust her, but in my defence I am not doing this for Stark's sake. I wish for the world to see her, as I do.

Wanda's POV
I can't believe he is supporting Stark, he is just securing his mistakes! I feel as If I'm not trusted, and that I truly am a monster caged with Tony's minion. I returned to my room shortly after the heated discussion, pacing while deep in thought.. How can I make this better? I can't go anywhere, or do anything, It's going to drive me completely insane. If I don't use my powers the energy will just build up and I might accidentally blow this whole place to hell and-
"You won't." I gasped, slightly alerted and whipped my head to see Vision, phasing through the wall. Worry lined on his face.
"Vis, what have I told you about knocking!" I sighed in relief calming my nerves, still slight tensed.
"I'm sorry, I will knock next time."
"What do you want?" I spat, the words dripped from my lips like venom.
"I know why you're upset, but this isn't the real reason why I am keeping you here and I hate the fact that you feel trapped." He approached, sitting on my bed as I still paced.
"Then let me go free." I managed to say through gritted teeth.
"I'm afraid I can't let you do that." He peered at the floor, feeling a little guilty.
"For public's safety I know. I know. I know I can't be trusted." I bit my lip to hide back my cries.
"The main reason is not for the public's safety or for Mr Stark, or otherwise I would have protested. I simply want you to stay for your own safety." I tilted my head in question from his response and narrowed my eyes a little.
"I know you are extremely powerful but you have yet to master your powers. You do not know what the others are capable of and with this war putting the Avengers freedom at risk, everyone will do anything to keep it together but in their own minds and opinions. I do not want you to get hurt." I could've sworn I heard his voice wobble a bit, he glanced at me, eyes full of worry and concern but also something else that I just couldn't explain. I have noticed that he has become slightly protective, but he is only like that around me.
"I understand what you're trying to say Vis, but trapping me isn't always the solution. Do you fear me?" All of a sudden, the android got up and headed towards the door.
"I don't, I'm sorry." He twisted the doorknob, ready to leave.
"Wait." It pained for me to say it as I hope the previous conversation was left behind us. He paused to listen, awaiting for me to continue.
"I know it's not your fault, let's just forget about this I don't want to make anymore enemies. I think I know what will cheer us up though." A smirk tugged on my lips and his brows raised in unison. Without warning, I took his hand and led him out of my room and down to the kitchen. At first he stumbled, shocked at the sudden and quick contact but proceeded to follow me. I let go and went to the cupboard, Vision still confused, tipped his head to one side like a curious puppy. I pulled out a bottle of Vodka, my smile growing as I observed the bubbly liquid. Vision was about to protest but I shot him a glare before he could preach about anything. I poured myself a shot, knowing Vision wouldn't have one and I scoffed at his reaction. He reached out to me, hoping to grab the glass out of my hands but I had already downed the alcohol, it tickled my throat and warmed the pits of my stomach.
"Wanda, I really don't want you to do this. You'll get hurt-" I placed down the glass, cutting off his sentence. He grabbed the bottle to find it empty, only a small amount of the liquid slithered at the bottom of the glass.
"Please don't do this, you're worrying me, this is very unlike you-" he started stuttering.
"I appreciate that you're trying to look out for me, but I beg, I'm just trying to have a good time. Plus it will only make the pain go away." I shrugged opening another bottle, champagne this time.
"It doesn't take the pain away it only numbs it. There are multiple ways t cope with your pasts but please not... This!" The android was having a mini breakdown, it's not like alcohol is going to kill me or anything.

Vision's POV
This is an utter disaster! I am so confused why she would think drinking would be the only solution to help overcome her fears and past.
"Please Wanda, not just for your sake but also my own. I really don't want you getting hurt." This caught the Witch's attention as she set down her near-empty glass. She slowly turned to me.
"For your sake?" She marched towards me, close enough that I could feel the breath of her words graze on my neck, her deep hazel eyes now burned with anger piercing through mine.
"What is this Vis?" I could hear her voice wobbling as she spoke, fury coiled within her. I sighed, hoping to force the words past my lips.
"I can't help but be protective over you Wanda." Silence flooded between us as I yet awaited her response. To my surprise, she invited him into a warm hug, as she wrapped her arms around me. For a moment I stood there in complete shock and confusion before I decided to brace her with my arms in return.
"Thanks for being here for me, I appreciate it a lot." The Scarlet Witch's eyes became puffy and swollen as tears formed and started trailing down her rosy cheeks, still engulfed in my arms that enveloped her. I wasn't sure how to react or comfort her, so I slowly started to stroke her back to ease her through her tears. At first she flinched and tensed up, unaware and unknown to this sudden touch but soon enough melted into it and her cries gradually became softer.

A/N: Sorry this took long, I have wanted to get that Romanoff started with a few chapters and then schoolwork came piling in so I had to take care of the before continuing this. Sorry if it might have been a bit boring, I assure you more fluffs are coming! Right now I have to look over the first chapter of that other fanfic as people are reading it but aren't convinced enough to read the following chapters so I'm going to see if I can fix that also. Until then!

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