⋞Fluff Pt 2≽

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A/n: Sorry that my chapters are messy and I have fluffs in between them, but I have another chapter for the continuing story of the actual scarletvision and I will publish that shortly.


Wanda woke with a churning stomach, almost as if there was a storm swirling inside of her. She couldn't help but toss and turn as her gut flipped and a temperature had slowly risen to her head. Sweat embedded on her forehead, her skin incredibly pale as silk, with dark circles that bruised underneath her eyes. The Witch forced herself out of bed, untangling herself from the bed sheets that clung tightly around her, and approached the kitchen to serve herself some peppermint tea. She put the kettle on and sighed, wandering into a daydream as she stood there waiting for the water to boil. The flick of the switched snapped her back from her pondering and continued to prepare herself the tea until a faint knock echoed from the door.

"Come in." Her voice was shaky, almost broken as she coughed to clear her throat.

"You look rather unwell today." Vision's voice rang at the Witches ears, she put down her tea and turned to face him. Wanda just sighed, picking up her tea again to take a sip.

"I'm fine Vis, everyone gets ill." He tilted his head as he stared deeply into her eyes. The constant eye contact she was receiving made her uncomfortable as she looked down at her tea and traced the rim of her mug wither her index finger.

"I don't detect any harmful pathogens, viruses or traumas that could link to your illness. The symptoms are quite similar to other illnesses but it seems that its caused by negative energy." Wanda peered up at him and breathed heavily from her nose.

"It's a side effect, from my scarlet hexes. If I use too much power without consuming a suitable amount of food or water I end up in this state. Or if I just spent too much of my energy It results in me having this awful migraine and nausea. I think I did too much training." The witch muttered, rubbing her eyelids and finishing of her tea.

"Is there any sort of treatment or medication I can give you?" He continued to observe her, noticing the colour differences when she wasn't in this condition. She looked paper white.

"Afraid not, I've had these phases ever since I got my powers." She trailed off a little but still continued. "Not even Struker could find a cure doing the experimentations."

"Have you asked the others?" The android asked. Wanda only lightly shook her head in response.

"You're the only one who knows about this now. And I rather keep it a secret." The witch made her way back to her bedroom. Excusing Vision and asked him to patiently wait outside until she got out of her night clothes. The conversation paused until the door opened and the Scarlet witch stepped out, heading to the lounge in which the android followed.

"Why do you not wish to seek help? I'm sure Dr. Banner can help you overcome this... illness." The Vision was still uncertain on what to label Wanda's condition.

"I'll be ok, It only lasts for a day or two."She slouched on her sofa and Vision joined her.

"How long have you been like this?" He couldn't help but ask.

"Four days" Wanda frowned. Vision gave her a worrying look before standing up making his way to the door.

"I am certain that I can find a solution to stop this condition. If you need anything please contact me telepathically during my absence." Wanda only nodded her head in agreement as the android left her in peace. She hate to admit it herself but she was slightly concerned, normally she would have recovered by now, and maybe there is a treatment. Hours swept by and The witch felt incredibly lonely, the only companion she has was the silence which filled her room entirely. She drifted off to sleep, hoping to cover time and wishing for Vision to come back safely in wherever he had journeyed to.

I believe I have found an antidote. I'm making my way back please remain where you are.
I'm not planning on going anywhere Vis.
And with that came silence as the android didn't respond, I guess there was nothing to discuss but she felt so lonely. She isn't used to this. Normally the Avengers facility was packed and busy, staff and the agents themselves always causing a racket as well as her brother Petrio. He always stuck by her and helped her whenever she needed it most but he's gone now... Tears started to swell in her eyes as she brushed them away with her sleeve. She remained silently sobbing for a few moments, her sniffles tore at the silence that flooded her room as she tried to calm herself. Wanda let out a huge sigh, relaxing and calming her nerves and cleansing her mind of Petrio's death. She sat there in silence and thought how lucky she was to be apart of the Avengers and have a family at last. Her friends also but most importantly the Vision. He always stuck by her and cared for her, she imagined his arms wrapping around her as she embraced his comforting warmth. She could always cry on his shoulder if she needed to and he would always make himself available for her even when he was busy just to take care of the Scarlet Witch. Maybe he was more then a friend...? A knock sounded at her door and Vision came through, Wanda immediately ran to the door. He held up a small bottle which he gave to her and advise that she would drink it. The witch took it and slowly drank it, she could feel the liquid run down her throat, sending a shiver down her spine. A few minutes passed and slowly, changes in her appearance were becoming more visible. Colour finally seeped into her now rosy cheeks and her eyes were enlightened and glazed. The knot tied in her stomach tugged free and her migraine stopped throbbing and pounding at her head. Her lips flushed back to their normal colour as she stretched them into a massive smile, as she rushed over to Vision to give him another massive hug.
"Thank you so much for this Vis! I really needed that.. Where did you get it?"
"I visited Dr.Banner and described your symptoms but avoided telling him, even when he questioned." A rush flooded over the witch.. She couldn't put her finger on what it was but she almost grabbed and kissed him. She couldn't help but blush at that thought and Vision tilted his head in confusion. She shook her head almost trying to shake her blush away.
"Probably the potion thing you gave me. Thanks" She smiled giving him one last hug.
"Welcome, for you I'd do anything."

A/n: Sorry that it wasn't very fluffy but here is a little surprise, I'm trying to find an excuse to get Wanda drunk in the next chapter which will be a challenge as it doesn't really suit her character so I'm going to have to find and tie a reason to that. Right now I have to sit through an hour after school for doing nothing in which I am attempted to poison a donut and eat it. Until then.

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