Ouran is freaking PINK!!

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(I made this picture) May's POV:

I hate mornings.

"Miss. Sohma. Wake up. Its morning, your uniform is on your door," my maid Izumi called.

"5 more minutes," I mumbled.

"Your cousin will be most furious if you do not awaken."

I opened my eyes and jumped out of bed.  I looked around, my hair falling to my knees and scratched my head. 

I yawned and fell backwards onto the bed.  Then tumbled off the bed and crawled toward the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I rubbed my face with a wet towel to wake up better and brushed my dark brown hair and put it in a high pony tail with my hair loose in the front. I looked in the mirror and looked at my slightly dark but pale skin and looked at my chocolete colored eyes.

Looking at the table in the discarded cornor, I cringed at the horrific sight.  Make up.  I did not touch it at all.

I walked to the door and grabbed my uniform off the door knob. It was a blue shirt with long sleeves and a badge with the schools logo. There were also long black jeans and black shoes. This looks like a boys uniform, I thought with confusion. I shrugged and put it on.

I went downstairs and saw my older cousin Nireen reading the newspaper.  So old.

I finished eating my breakfeast and my cousin drove me to my new school, Ouran academy, on her trike. Yes she drives.

We arrived and I stood up from the Trike. I never liked rich schools.  I looked up at the building and my eyes widened.  I stepped back and turned to get back in the trike and leave, but it was gone. I felt a tik mark grow on my head. I turned back to the scary school. It was big but thats not what was scary, it was the color. why.... PINK?! I always hated pink. I sighed and walked in the building.

"Just kill me now" I thought aloud.

I walked into the horrendous pink building looking for the office. While looking, I looked around me and saw a bunch of girls whispering and giving me looks that made them, for some strange reason, blush.

While looking through this horrid colored school, I found a boy with blonde hair and violet eyes, very tall. I walked up to him and tapped his sholder. I think he was 6'6 foot, I was 5'6 and looked up to him as he turned around.

He, for some reason, had a look of surprise on his face. I opened my mouth to speak, "Hi sir, Do you think you can tell me were the off-" I was suddenly cut off when he grabbed me started twirling me around.

"Oh! You're so cute! As cute as girl even!"

"Will you please let go of ME!!!"

He let me go and shook my hand abrubtly. "Hi, I'm Tamaki Suoh. What do you need good sir?"

Did he just call me 'sir'!!! I thought. We'll no point in asking him now. I sighed. "I was going to ask if you know were the office is?"

He smiled and happily obliged.  "Go straight ahead and take a left."

I bowed respectfully.  "Thank you Sir."

I walked into the office and saw a women wearing pink with matching pink glasses. Why pink.

"Hi, I'm May Sohma, I've come to get my schedule." She looked down on me and handed me a piece of paper.

"That's your schedule and you better get going. You don't want to be late."

I left the office and read my paper. Class-1A. I walked toward my class and peeked through the door.

I avoided going to the teacher and waltzed in so as not to draw attention.  I sat in front of a.... girl I think with brunette hair and big, brown eyes. I looked around the classroom, This is gonna be fun.

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