Chapter 1

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I'm Y/N and I'm 18 years old. I'm a high school student. I have the worst life and when I say that I'm not kidding. I have no friends and there's this girl, Jihee, she's bullying me.
You already know that means she's the queen in school and that everyone loves her.

Ughh I have to go to school today but I don't want to. I know that I will come home with bruises like always and I have to find a way to hide them again because I don't want my parents to see it. So I got ready and ate ma breakfast and left for school.
I arrived and I went directly into my classroom. I sat at my place at the back of the room. And when I thought that I would be alone, someone has to show up. You know who is it? Yes, you guessed it right, it's Jihee. 

- Hey hey, Y/N. How are you today?

- Leave me alone Jihee.

- Why? You don't like me? 

- How can I like my bully?

She slapped me and went to her seat.

I'm sure you're questioning yourself about why I don't object or fight her? Am I right? It's because I don't have the energy anymore. I fight her back before but now I can't anymore. I work everyday after school to help my parents with the bills, I study too to have good grades for the future so I can earn much money that's why I don't want to fight back. I'm miserable, everyone looks at me with pity in their eyes. I don't like that but what can I do? They are afraid of her as well. 

It's lunch time now and I'm walking in the hall alone like always. But this time someone approached me. It was Park Jimin aka Jihee's boyfriend. I'm gonna get killed by her if she's him here with me.

- Um.. Y/N?

- I need to go.. so um.. bye.

I tried to run away but he grabbed my wrist.

- Why did you slap my girlfriend?

- WHAT?!? I didn't do anything!

- Yeah, sure that's why she has a bruise on her cheek.

- You know what? Believe what you want I don't care.

After that, I left. I didn't have time to eat so I went back to class. School is finished but I'm not lucky, Jihee and her squad went to me and hit me so bad today. I'm feeling so bad but I went to work. I arrived at work and there was no customers so it was good I guess.

My arms hurt so bad. I was at the checkout and I began to cry silently. 

- Y/N?

I turned around and saw my co-worked. I wiped my tears away and smile.

- Yeah, Taehyung?

- Are you crying?

- No, I'm not. So what is it?

- Oh, I just went to check up on you and to tell you that we are closing earlier today.

- Oh okay. Thanks, I will go now then. See you tomorrow-

- Yeah, bye.

I went back home and saw my parents in the living room.

- Hello mom and dad.

- Hi sweetie. Come here, your mom and I have something to tell you.

-Okay, what is it?

-You need to get dressed we need to go to the restaurant tonight.

- Why mom?

- You will see. 

I went to my room and got dressed but I was wearing sleeveless dress and my arms are bruised.

- What am I gonna do? I can't go out like that. 

I found a jacket and put it on me. I went to downstairs and saw my parents. We went to the restaurant. When we arrived there, I saw someone I didn't want to see.


Heyyy, we are back with a new ff. Hope you like it. 

We are going to post once a week for this ff, we don't have much time because of school. So every Sunday or Saturday a new chapter will be out!!



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