Read This

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Now imma just say this because people are so god dam EVIL!

That gay boy you punched in the hallway, he committed suicide a few minutes ago.
That girl you called a slut she's a virgin.
That girl you just called fat, she's starving herself.
That boy you called poor, he has to work every night to support his family.
That man you made fun of for his scars, he fought for our country.
That boy you made fun of for crying, his mother is dying.
That girl you pushed down the stairs, she is already abused at home
That girl you called a whore for being pregnant, she is a victim of rape
You know that kid you spread rumors about, they live on the streets
That boy you laughed at and made fun of, he started a killing spree

Bullying needs to stop people kill themselves almost everyday or hurt others, and you probably have never been them so you don't know what they are going through. Stop bullying.

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