more headcanons I promise I have a life

12 2 0


11: Iida is asexual. (Idk he strikes me like this)

12: Kirishima loves to tease Bakugou when they are alone. It's mostly about his anger, but it usually ends in Bakugou shouting in anger, but then hugging him afterward.

13: Jirou was the one who got Sero and Kaminari together in the first place, and it was completely on accident. (if you want, I'll write a one shot on this!)

14: Tokoyami's favorite song, surprisingly, is "Shake it off", but he will never admit to this, and never dances. Only secretly listens to it when he is alone.

15: Monoma once accidently ran into All Might when he was in his not muscle form thing. He thought he was a zombie first glance and let out a scream, running away.

16: Shoji only wears his mask because he hates his actual face. That was cured when he came to U.A, and he only wears it as a reminder of home, and who he used to be, and how he has gotten stronger.

17: Koda is precious and you cannot convince me otherwise. This is a headcanon fight me.

18: Sero is really insecure about his quirk, but Kaminari loves to completely smother him with praise. Sero can't say he hates it.

19: Momo can create anything she knows of, but she has to know what it looks like. Whenever she is nervous, she sweats those doll things all over her body. Of course, Mineta finds this shit hot.

20: Mineta is a bastard and should die. This isn't a headcanon but I'm going to explain my reason for hating him:

Long story short, he doesn't deserve to be a hero. He got in because his quirk was useful that one time. When has it come in handy, ever again? E v e r?! He's a complete pervert, and sexually abuses woman. Even if he Is comic relief, it doesn't matter! He disrespects woman, and thinks they are nothing more than objects of pleasure, he doesn't think that they have personality at all. He thinks they are only for him to touch and abuse All he wants to do is to touch a woman, get laid. Whatever. He cries to much, I don't understand why he even got accepted. If anyone is getting expelled, it's him. Drink your respecting woman juice, bitch. Kaminari is a pervert as well, sure, but have you ever seen him go out of his way to touch a girl? Have we ever seen him try and touch a girl at all? Plus, his quirk has been useful on multiple occasions. Sure, the cheerleaders and swimming situations were a bit bad... But, I'm sure that Denki would maybe make it up afterward. Maybe. But those are honestly the only two times we have seen him do something bad. Otherwise, he has just made comments. Mineta, on the other hand, does something bad almost every chapter he is mentioned. The one time he didn't, it was so he didn't get expelled. Probably to touch more boobs. Fuck off, Mineta. I happen to like woman (bisexual here yeet) and I sometimes catch myself checking them out, sure, but I never flirt with them, I never try and touch them. Honestly. Have you ever done something like that, girls? What about you, boys, if I have any male readers? Do you touch the gender you like inappropriately? Exactly.

Anyway, the real headcanon 20:

20: Present Mic was actually born with a  very loud voice, and he is the reason the doctors all wear ear plugs when helping someone give birth. Last timr they didn't, all their ears bled, and half of them got permanently deaf.

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