I wanna write

18 2 45

Long story short I'm in a car and desperately wanna write, so here I am. Since I'm going through the mountains... I wanna write something about scenery!!!

I'm excited for this so just,, try and enjoy?

Heh, anyway, this'll be a...

Hm, what shipping? I'll try something different and go for Bakukiri

So enjoy.


The sky was a wonderful colour, the mountains glazed in sunlight, the rays reflecting off the clouds, casting a breathtaking view of the now snow covered tips of the huge hills.

Kirishima held his breath, afraid to disturb the wonderful, amazing nature with the taint of humans. He loved this, loved it so much. Yet...

Yet he was afraid, that if he did the slightest thing, even move, his presence would ruin the stunning treasures of life.

Kirishima was a photographer, and because of this, has traveled to the other side of the world and back to take photos. He loves it more than most things in his life. And, a small benefit is that he is extremely good at capturing the exact beauty of what he is seeing, and make people seem as if they are really there.

His photos catch the eyes orb millions of people a day. He absolutely loves alerting people to how beautiful the world is. But, in contrast to what you might now think, he doesn't only take photos of extraordinary places.

His tastes also travel to more... Unique matters.

He takes photos of things that alert people to what is happening. He takes photos of pollution, of poverty. He's traveled to the worst side of India, the poor sides of Africa.

And he takes photos. Makes fund raisers. Because of him, him alone, about 17% more of the world population is more healthy.

This is an achievement. He's only 24, after all.

But there's one other thing he loves to take photos of.

Hedgehogs. Or, more specifically, someone he likes to describe as a hedgehog, given his hair and similar spiky attitude.

Bakugo Katsuki. His husband. He seems to always help him, while being an asshole all the same. And Kirishima loves it.

He loves the boys looks, outrageously rebellious personality. He loves the rough kisses, the way he holds him after a hard day, the cuddles that he seems to love.

He loves everything about him.

And one day, he took a photo of his, then, boyfriend. It had become a habit since then, to take photos of his beloved.

Kirishima is a photographer. He loves his job more than most things.

But the one thing he loves over everything else?

The light to his dark, the rage to his calm. The one sense of relief he has.

This, certainly, describes Bakugo Katsuki.


Done! You might hate it, but screw your opinion! I wrote it cause I wanted!!!

Also because I'm in love with Photographer Kirishima but sssSSSHHHH

anyways cya

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