Chapter7: Preparations

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A dilemma faced the Black-Romanov couple. Their eldest, Alexander was about eleven, the age that sealed entry to the school of witchcraft. Remained to know to which. Two choices were possible. On the one hand, they could send their son to the Hogwarts school run by Albus Dumbledore, the same one who had kidnapped them in the first years of his life. They could also prefer Dumstrang, a less prestigious school but accustomed to forming black mages. The problem was that his students were known to the Russian ministry and that Katrina suspected the presence of Letzoski's spies. In both cases, their son should be very careful and be surrounded by opponents and enemies. At Hogwarts, he would certainly find Henry Potter who would revive all the bad memories of his childhood, but also Draco Malfoy whose child did not want to be separated.

Sirius preferred Hogwarts, he knew the school and its rules, any pupil received between the walls of the school was under his protection, unless he transgressed his ancestral laws: do not kill or torture another pupil, do not attack a teacher and not introduce enemies from the place of knowing. This protection did not depend on the director, it dated from the foundation of the school and even he could not override it or he would lose any possibility of directing it. But Dumbledore was known for his manipulations and nothing would protect Alexander from them.

Katrina hesitated. She herself had been a pupil at Dumstrang, she knew this school and knew that her son would flourish, maybe too much. He might not be as careful as he would be at Hogwarts. Some older students or teachers might recognize, if he unveiled his magic, the mark of the Romanovs and Letzoski would know then that she had an heir and he an additional enemy. But she did not like the idea of ??confiding Alexander to Dumbledore at all.

Finally, they decided to leave the choice to the heir. One evening, all three of them were alone in the parlor and presented to the ten-year-old boy the choice that was open to him. He did not hesitate. It does not matter to him the presence of Dumbledore or Henry. He wanted to stay with Draco. It would be Hogwarts.

Shortly after Alexander's eleven years, the two boys, in the middle of a Russian lesson: they read about Muggle's War and Peace, and received their letters of admission to Hogwarts. They exulted with joy, Sophia began to cry at the thought of the separation and Katrina had to give up for this day.

- The mirror with two directions. We will be able to talk to each other every day, you will even meet our comrades. And we will share our progress on creating a basilisk.

Sophia put her index finger on her lower lip, a sign of great reflection. Tense, both boys were waiting for his reaction.

- It's nice to have a solution to talk to me every day Draco. I knew you did not want to be separated from me.

As usual, the little blond blushed, cursing internally the strength that always pushed him to comfort this ungrateful. At least, at Hogwarts, he would be quiet.

"That's a good idea, Draco," Alexander said.

"Yes, I could watch you like that," she added.

It was at this moment that Draco Malfoy realized that no, Hogwarts did not mean peace. The child had fixed his eyes on these words, indicating that this surveillance was intended for him. What could have passed through his head to give his enemy the weapons to weaken him?

It was decided that Sirius would take Alexander that afternoon to buy his wand from Gregorovitch, the most famous manufacturer in Eastern Europe. Sophia asked to accompany him, but it was futile. Sirius explained that the acquisition of his wand was a solemn moment for a sorcerer, almost sacred. Having spectators was not desirable.

- In a few years, you too will have your wand. I will accompany you to Gregorovitch's house and you will find this piece of wood that will become an extension of you.

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