Chapter11: New Friendships

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- Poisons and antidotes, by Phineas Bourne. Interesting.

Alexander and Hermione had been walking the halls for a few minutes, heading for the infirmary just to the right of the lobby, which they both knew from reading The Hogwarts Story.

- You should find him at the library.

The girl's tone was pretty dry. Something had changed between today and the day before. The boy was curious by nature and he was already imagining the reasons for the change, but such a smart witch was worth it. That's why he questioned him.

- I guess you've been told pretty things about the Slytherins.

She glanced at him.

- And on you. Finally on your family especially.

Alexander grimaced. She must not start criticizing her family ...

"It seems that your aunt, whom you said you knew, tortured Neville's parents to the point of madness.

Yes, well, if we took this point of view, he could understand the new aggressiveness of the girl.

- That's right, but we must not forget that we are at war, a soldier knows what he's risking.

Silence accompanied these words, a sign that they had touched the little girl. She ended up answering, in a more hesitant voice.

"It also seems like the Slytherin Slytherins and Dark Wizards think muggle-born kids, like me, do not deserve to go to school. They say we are not really wizards. Those who call themselves purebloods will always reject me because of my family.

Alexander ticked.

- Is it Potter who told you that? Her parents did not hesitate to leave me when I was a baby. Do you know that I was kidnapped and entrusted to them just because my father came from a family where dark magic is strong? While he was on the side of the light?

To see her astonishment no, she did not know.

- Besides, I have muggle blood myself by my mother. I think that only the power and the knowledge of a wizard are important, these stories of blood do not interest me. But it's true that some people believe it, I often have to remind Draco that I'm a mixed blood by his standards.

The little girl did not answer, just walking beside him, lost in thought.

- All is not white or black, you should not let yourself be influenced by vulgar prejudices.

She gave him a curious look before nodding.

They finally arrived at the infirmary. A long room very bright, white, with wide windows. About fifteen beds were lined up against the wall. In this environment so different from the rest of the school, a little witch wearing a toque of a nurse was trying to cure Longbottom screaming to death. She was old enough, but she was full of energy to see the way she struggled to relieve their comrade. When they arrived, she sighed:

- Severus should be more careful. Every year, it's the same thing! Injured at first class! And who has to endure tears and cries at the beginning of the school year? Sit on a bed and show me. When you calm down a little, screaming will not help you, I applied the balm, the pain should disappear in one or two hours.

The two children obeyed, Hermione showed her redness and immediately applied the balm. Alexander remained there without moving.

- My boy...

- Alexander Black madam.

She watched him for a moment.

- Take off your shoes, I guess the potion must have affected your feet in view of their condition.

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