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"Mmmh..she looks good enough to eat...Ollie you hungry?"


Puffy gray clouds decorated what was usually in the summertime a bright blue sky. Humidity hung thick in the air with the promise of a blissfully cool rainstorm to come.

Allisa hoped the meteorologist, on the news channel that her father always tuned into both before he went to bed at night, and again as he ate his breakfast in the morning, was correct about the promised summer storm.

But until the drops actually fell from the sky, she would have to be content with the barest puff of a hot breeze, and suffer the extra humidity that seemed to blanket any bare skin.

By mid morning, Allisa had caught up on all the data entries that had piled up through the weeks, and even done the new ones taken just the night before. She and Sayer had discussed once having an assistant to do the computer entries, but just as quickly vetoed the idea since one typo could change so much.

Her thoughts had been on Sayers great revelation consistently all through the morning, as they had until she had fallen asleep the night before, knowing a vampire was outside her window somewhere. How did her relationship with Will work into the grand scheme of things without endangering him? For days she had done nothing but change her mind about how to keep him safe.

Together through texts that first night apart, they had decided to be together only during the day until the vampire culprits were found and dealt with. But after last night, after finding out about Cassie, Allisa was terrified about Will’s safety, and confused about the vampires code of ethics.

Earlier that morning, Allisa had texted Jane. Since her friend had come home from the hospital, she had yet to see her. Jane must have been sleeping late because now, hours later, an answering text lit Allisa's phone. “Coffee sounds awesome.”

“Brt.” Allisa sent the acronym and immediately set things in motion to ‘be right there’ as promised. A text to Sayer of how long she would be gone, a quick jam of papers then her computer into her sling pack, a swipe of a label onto a fedex package, and a quick detour to the lab.

Her keys jingled in the lock as she selected two pop injectors and loaded them with the correct milligrams from a tiny bottle labeled with numbers that she knew from memory. Numbers that she had worked with more than any other in this lab. Numbers that cross indexed to Ashton. Once done, she relocked the cabinet and tucked the sterile zip pack into her bag.

As she hurried to the parking garage, she wondered if Ashton had been able to get Will to agree to protection. The thought alone made her clutch the strap to her bag, that contained the pop injectors. She knew the answer. Will was too stubborn, wanting nothing to do with the vamps, even if it would keep him alive.

In the dim drab parking garage, one car stood out among the others. The deep pearl white almost glowed neon in the shadows. A white pearl amongst a pile of mardi gras beads. Of course it would be today. Another complication. Another wrinkle in her twisted thought process.

Her feet had unconsciously stopped upon seeing Gabrielle’s spectacle, and with a resolute square of her shoulders, she hitched her chin towards the vehicle she had driven again this morning, her mother's Lexus.

As if on cue, a car door in the space next to the just rebuffed next years model, swung open and a young clean shaven man hopped out. With one hand he adjusted his tie, and with the other hand he carried a thin briefcase. “Miss Lambert?”

It was no surprise that he knew her name, as most of the town seemed to these days, and she slowed her steps. In that immaculate timing that she was cursed or blessed with, depending on the circumstances, she had emerged the hospital just as the dealership was delivering the car.

Sitting in her new car felt like being cushioned in a cloud, and the new leather smell was a potent pheromone to her nose, as her eyes took in everything. For a quarter of an hour the guy explained gadgets on the steering wheel, dash and console, between requesting her signature on various tabbed x’s. As he drove away with the companion who had buddied with him to deliver the car, Allisa texted Jane that she was for sure on her way.

Seeing her in this car, a perk of her work for Gabrielle, would only further sour Will’s mood, if he were still perturbed about last night, so she turned to grab her belongings from the back seat. Transferring to her mother’s car for now would be best.

Yep, he would be so mad if she drove up in her gift from Gabrielle. And as that thought ran through her mind again, she halted her arc of motion to the back, and rested her head back on the seat. Her eyes tilted up, staring through the glass of the large moon roof, and picturing Will’s mood as dark as the tint that reflected her face, gave her an idea.

The idea was as sad to her as it was brilliant. With a push of her fingers, she activated the ignition button and the car purred to life. The metaphor of pushing a large button did not escape her. By deciding to drive the car, she would be deliberately pushing Will’s button.

Only a few minutes later when she called Jane from the coffee shop to get a headcount for the coffee order, Jane informed her that Ashton was asleep and Will had gone out. A sense of relief flooded through her, that her plan to anger Will enough so that he would not care if they were apart as a couple, would have to wait.

Balancing the coffee atop the doughnut box, Allisa climbed the steps to the porch of the Black House. Standing in front of the door, she cursed the fact that her regular keyring, unused when she had opted to drive the new car, was at the bottom of her bag somewhere. Knocking was out of the question, with Will gone, Ashton asleep and Jane incapacitated probably on the couch. The image of Jane struggling to her feet using the crutches that would still be unfamiliar to her flitted through her imagination.

Testing the knob, it was no surprise to find it securely locked, as it should be in this town. And without giving it another thought, she twisted the knob again, drawing from the sparks on the fringe of frontal lobe neurons. Her first port of the day effortlessly opened into the Black House foyer. Stepping inside she collided with a scowling Will.

Buttons had been pushed after all. He would be aggravated that she had portaled in, in his eyes needlessly risking her health and welfare.

The plastic lids were secure on the cups, and fortunately kept the hot beverages from sloshing. His hands joined hers helping to steady her cardboard pyramid of takeout. Her face was inches from his shoulder and as she drew back, regaining her footing, she breathed in detergent, soap, shampoo, and all the scents that singled him out.

“Um, Jane said you had gone out...”

“Disappointed?” His drawl was husky and sweet to her ears, even if it was tinged with aggravation.

“Never.” She declared.

“I dunno...” A teasing lilt tinged his reply, although his eyes were still a stormy grey. “The minute you think I’m gone, you’re running over here with doughnuts and stuff...”

His hands were warm against hers as he continued to help her keep the box and cups steady. The hungry kiss lasted several seconds before Jane yelled from the adjoining room a good natured reprimand.

“Hey, hey while the coffee is still hot?”

Reluctantly, they pulled apart, but not before he nipped at her lip and tugged at her hair. Following him into the next room, she knew the slight pleasant throb of her mouth was his unspoken reminder that she had risked a port to come into the house. And of course he was probably still irritated over her no show at dinner last night, as well as the new car this morning.

Will had relieved her of the doughnuts, which he took directly to the kitchen, and Jane held out her arms from her cushy perch on the couch. “AC, finally!”

“Finally me or the coffee?” Allisa queried, bending to carefully hug her friend.

“Hah.” The noncommittal reply was voiced as Jane eagerly pulled back the tabbed lid to her beverage.

Allisa had assumed that Will had made off with the box of pastries to rewarm them and possibly get first pick, but within minutes, the aroma of cooking began to waft from the kitchen. She had only been gone a couple of days, but already she was nostalgic for the day to day routine here at The Black House. Not that there was a daily routine, just the familiar way that each day played out.

Jane and Allisa talked and made fun of a couple of characters on a reality show that was currently on the television, and it wasn’t long before Will brought his masterpiece from the kitchen.

Dubiously, Allisa surveyed the plate on which chips, some type of leafy lettuce, and what looked to be an omelet was layered. To the side was a tiny bowl of what could only be defined as refried bean gravy, as there were no beans visible.

“Hot sauce?”

Will dangled the jar in her direction taking her attention from the mess on her plate. There was no way that even Will’s homemade salsa could make this better. But to her surprise, Jane was digging in with enthusiasm, having already smothered her’s with the spicy sauce, and Allisa noticed that on Jane and Will’s plate the beans were part of the food layers and not on the side.

“Um,” Allisa stalled. “This is new...what do you call it?”

“Eat up Ally Cat. Its awesome.” Jane mumbled between mouthfuls.

Will’s texmex had taken an evil twist, was her initial thought. Allisa smothered her too large serving in the hot sauce, and poked through the jumbled ingredients to separate and spear a piece of egg. Several minutes later, Will was gathering all of their cleaned plates, even hers. To her amazement, Jane had been spot on when she had hailed the recipe as awesome.

“He cooked it yesterday morning, I made him cook it again today.” Jane grinned happily. Allisa knew that Jane hated being sick or hurt, but in this case having her little brother dote on her was making her happy. “Oh I wish you could have made it last night, talk about yum food...Will what WAS that? And do we have leftovers... You should send some back with Allisa.”

Jane was raising her voice to be heard in the kitchen, and Allisa was glad she was not in the same room to see Will’s glower at his sister’s innocent request. Or was Jane as oblivious as she seemed? Allisa threw a quick accessing gaze Jane’s way, wondering if Jane could be doing the same thing she herself had set out to do today. After all, Jane had made Allisa promise to cool things with her brother. But she saw nothing to confirm her second of suspicion in Jane’s eyes.

Asking Will to box up leftovers of the meal that she already irritated him by being a no show to, was not the best idea.

“I’m just going to help him finish cleaning up.” Allisa got to her feet and quietly joined Will. He was standing at the sink with his back to her, but she could feel the moment that he knew she was in his space.

Stopping beside him, she fiddled with the canning jar that was less than half full of Will’s salsa. “Sorry about last night.” Her quiet apology came straight from the heart.

“Don’t worry about it.” One of Will’s favorite phrases, and it came in several forms. Today the inflection on the words was tight, not carefree or thoughtful.

Tears pricked her eyes. Although his guard had been down when she had made her surprise entry earlier in the foyer, and he had kissed her with two days worth of missing, his shields were back up now. And it was for the best. Because for Allisa, meeting Cassie had driven that fact home to her, in a way that neither Ashton or Jane had been able to with words. In a stirring way that helped her separate her head from her heart.

“Will.” How she wished his name was slipping from her lips in a sigh of contentment instead of a prelude to a dreaded discussion. “Did Ashton talk to you yet? About taking his affiliation?”

Abruptly he swiveled to face her. “Why are we talking about this right now?”

“Because it’s important.” She withered under his stare but bravely added, “And there is nothing else to talk about.”

“The hell.” Fingers that had angrily pulled a strand of her hair earlier now tenderly tucked a strand behind her ear. And his mouth that had delivered a hard last kiss earlier, closed in to brush softly against hers. “Save it for later. Before you leave. I promise.” His eyes were melting the frost that she had tried to pull around her heated emotions.

What she saw in his expression as he waited for her response reminded her of the way they would answer a knock on the door here at The Black House. A glance through the window, and if still unsure, a half opened door, only to be opened wide once safety was assured. In this case Will would not freely open up to her until there was confirmation from her that all was good between them. She had been aloof the last couple of days.

Only two short days ago, she had agreed with him that even though she had moved temporarily back to her parents, they could resume their normal lives during the daylight hours. Now she knew that they could not even take that chance. Could she even tell him that “they”, the vamps, her unwanted bodyguard who would be shadowing her each night, would be able to smell him on her?!

“That’s just it, I cant stay long, in fact I should already be back...”

“But you worked late last night. Wasn’t the whole point to not work as much in the day?” His statement was not a whine or a challenge. It was simply Will.

“It’s more complicated than I thought...” The skull magnets Jane had peppered the refrigerator with, just beyond his shoulder, were more preferable to looking into his face. “You should go out–be with someone else. But don’t cheat on me, Will, I mean it.” The last sentence was a desperate whisper.

“Go OUT with someone else?! But NOT CHEAT ON YOU?!” The furious, exasperated response spat from his mouth, and still staring at the skulls, Allisa saw in her peripheral vision his brows drawn together in confusion and and anger.

“Tonight is ladies night at the Viper. Just go. Rock. That’s all I’m tryin to say.”

“And will you be there?!”

“I’m sure I will be working.”

“With your doctor.” His usual sarcastic emphasis was placed on ‘your doctor.’

“No! Its not like that. I’ve told you a billion times.”

“And I can believe that because whatever you say is always so.” Sarcasm still dripped from his words.

“I’m sorry about last night! I told you. I texted you. I have felt nothing but sorry all night and all day!” Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! She wanted to scream but somehow she dredged up a thread of control, taking a deep breath as she clamped her lips together.

“Whatever. I don’t care. Can you move so I can put that cheese up.”

The skulls were forgotten as a glaring match ensued and she ended it by reaching behind her and thrusting the cheese into his hand. “Gabrielle has this bodyguard vamp trailing me. She won’t call him off.”

“I don’t care Allisa. I don’t care anymore who knows what.”

“I DO. Cause in a month or so when this is over and done with-it would be nice if you were still alive!”

“I can take care of myself.”

Of course he would say that. In any conversation like this that she had ever imagined with him, those words had always been in the scenario.

“Are there any leftovers from last night?” At his sudden blank expression, she pressed, “The stuff Jane was raving about?”


“Hand it over or step aside.” Allisa directed her attention back to the fridge. While he grudgingly accepted the change of subject and pulled a casserole dish from the appliance, she retrieved a plastic storage container from the cabinet. Her back was to him as she spooned a generous helping from the large square dish into the small square container.

The only way that she could possibly say what needed to be said was not to look at him. Not to violate him by seeing his reaction to the only cruel reasoning that she knew would pierce his shell of stubbornness. “Everyday you wake up and deal with Ashton’s change.”

She could never say Ashton was a vampire. It hurt too much. It hurt that it had happened to him because he was noble enough to agree to it, and save the rest of them that night from death. And it without a doubt hurt Will that he was the reason they had all been in that predicament that night. Will had gone off half cocked as usual, done something stupid. Unintentionally endangering them all. And before their very eyes, Ashton had paid the price for one of Will’s many moments of stupidity.

The silence behind her was so tense she felt she was breathing it. And the raw emotion in her soul were in her next words. “Spare me that. Okay? If something happened to you because of me...”

Popping the lid on both dishes in front of her, she turned and still without looking into his eyes, buried her face in his chest. Clinging to him like he was a buoy in the choppy gulf as a hurricane approached, she implored, “Take Ashton’s affiliation–and go to the Viper tonight, buy some half priced drinks for some babe or ten babes--.”

Jane was asleep or pretending to be as Allisa gathered her things in the den. As quickly as she had injected Jane earlier, she accepted the arm Will stiffly offered, and made him Ashton's ward. Will took it silently, then walked her to the door. Before opening it, he kissed her crazy again clinging to her, like she was now the buoy. Once the heavy paned walnut door was open, he walked her to the car, keeping a respectable distance as he carried some of her things, saw her settled in, and actually did not scowl at the extravagant car as she pressed the ignition. Balling his hand, he gave the roof of the vehicle an impartial rap before he waved her away.

___END CHAPTER 21___

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