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“Allisa Gillis.” 

     “Will!  You said you had my back!”  The husky rumble of her name, combined with his went unnoticed at first by her, as on screen zombies moved in, surrounding both of their avatars.  “Will!  Shoot now!” 

     The shot came too late and automatically, she looked away from the television not wanting to see the demise of 'AllyKat' and Will0.'  Flinging the remote at the vicinity of her feet, she turned to Will before it even hit the mattress.  “We had them, what happened?!”

     Curving a smile, he ran fingers through her hair.  “I remembered something.”

     A month had passed since he had been diagnosed with a concussion, along with broken and fractured ribs, a broken nose, and numerous other injuries.  Will had experienced some memory loss, and over the weeks the recollections were slowly returning. 

     “The nurse asked me if you were my wife or sister.”

     Returning his smile, she scooted, closing the distance between them.  At least this was one of his better recovered memories.  Technically it was not a lost memory from the concussion, but something that he had forgotten during his trauma.  He had been in and out of consciousness the first night.  The bruising on his face had finally faded completely, and she smooth a finger over the slight evening stubble on his jaw as she explained her fib.

     His eyes took on that shadowy, far away look that sometimes happened when he was deep in the recollections of that night, and she hastened to bring him out of that dark place.  "So what did you tell her?"


     "The nurse.  Was I your wife or your sister?"

     "Oh.  I said you were my mother."  He retorted with one of those smirks that she loved.  Allisa swung at him, and he doged her slap coming clean.  "I really don't remember what I said, but I'm sure I claimed you as my hot wife..."

     The breath she had been taking in stopped, and she marveled that all he had to do was speak in that certian husky tone, look at her in that way, and curve that sweet smile to own her heart and soul.

     “Allisa Gillis sounds like a model or actress.”  He further teased, staring into her eyes.

     “As opposed to a boring microbiologist?”  She shot the retort back as she leaned over him, intent on cooling her hot emotions with a canned drink from the tiny fridge beneath his nightstand, but Will intercepted.  Lately, he took her by surprise whenever he moved so fast with no winces or outcries of pain.  Thankfully, his injuries had quickly healed with no complications.

     “Dr. Gillis has a hot ring to it.”  The observation was husky as he took the kiss he had pinned her to the bed for. 

     “It does.”  Totally, she cast in her agreement.  Realistically, she knew it might be years before they decided to tie the knot, but it was fun to play along. 

     There had been a marked shift in Ashton and Jane's relationship over the last weeks, and one thing that was definite would be the decision coming up about living arrangements.  It would be strange to leave The Black House, but stranger still to remain in it after their two friends married.

     Will passed her a Coke and reset the game.  They played through a half hour, and although Will didn't abandon them to the zombies again, his mind seemed to have drifted away from the events on screen. 

     “There's probably not much I don't remember about that night now.  And I know you have probably not liked hearing about it for the last few weeks.  But I guess I needed to talk about it.  So thanks.  For letting me talk about it.”

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