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" do you have a lover, changminnie ?"

changmin almost spit out his tea he was drinking , earning a soft chuckle from the other who was asking.

" i'm sorry, what ? " changmin asks as soon as he wipes his mouth with a tissue–given by the older.

they are now having a tea outside at the garden while chatting some things about themselves.

" i was asking, do you have a lover, a girlfriend ? " yunho asks again, slightly chuckling out of embracement.

" no, no, i don't !"  changmin strongly denies, making a small whine at the end.

" how come ? you're so attractive and handsome. and funny, too. i am pretty sure you are popular among your female colleagues. " yunho asks, his finger was playing with the cup's lips before sipping onto them carefully.

" i wouldn't know, i don't even talk to my colleagues. no, no i don't think i'm popular. " changmin finalizes, his tip of fingers trembles in everyway. perhaps, he was stunned when yunho said he is funny.

" do you think i'm boring, hyung ? " he pauses a while before continue saying the last word, hyung.

" never slips in my mind that you are boring. you're interesting, changminnie, " changmin slightly blushes, making him feel a little bit abashed by that nickname.

" h-how about you, hyung? do you have a girlfriend ? " changmin asks in return.

" i do, " that two words made changmin's heart stop for a while. perhaps it was breaking into several pieces.


changmin nods, barely giving a respond of amusement. maybe he was disappointed ? but why would he be ?

" so how is she ? " changmin breaks the silence, staring at his cup of tea blankly. he earns a small scoff by the older,

" she is fine, actually , she is coming to visit me this afternoon so i will introduce her to you later, " he ends his talk with a smile.

" i can't wait to meet her, " changmin's face lights up with a smile, he stands up.

" i guess i will get going then, " changmin walks away, not sparing his time for yunho to say a word. he doesnt know how to feel, whether he should feel sad or delighted when he knows the older has a girlfriend.

he walks through the warm lobby, his mind was full of yunho that he can't even look up to where he was going.

he bumps into something- or precisely someone. it was a petite body, with shoulder length hair, brown large hazelnut eyes, pretty face with simple makeup on.

" uh, excuse me are you a patient here ? " the girl asks, with a smile on her face.

" yes, can i help you with something ? " changmin's eyes travel down to a tag on the girl's chest which was a visitor tag.

" perhaps, do you know where jung yunho's ward is ? I can't seem to find it-"

the world filled with silence, the girl infront of him was inaudible to changmin, it was like the whole world stops.

" yes i do, " changmin replies short.

what a coincidence.

" ah you do ? do you mind showing me where is it ? "

" sure, " changmin smiles bitterly, turning his back and walks slowly to his favorite part of the hospital.

finally after a few conversation with the girl, changmin acknowledges that the girl is yunho's girlfriend and they finally arrive at yunho's room.

with a single knock, changmin can hear a warm voice from inside allowing him to come in.

with the presence of changmin, yunho slightly smiles  but his smile turns wider when the figure behind him runs towards the older. making changmim stood there, witnessing the whole sweet thingy between the couple.

" hyo-rin ! " yunho exclaimed before reaching out to hug his girlfriend.

changmin's heart again breaks when the girl he acknowledges her name was hyo-rin kissed yunho on his cheeks.

changmin wishes he was in hyorin's shoes.

realizing that changmin was witnessing their moments, yunho breaks the hug, while smiling widely at changmin. signing the younger to come closer to their position.

" hyorin, this is my friend, changmin and changmin, this is my girlfriend that i told you about earlier, hyorin " they both bowed at each other.

just before changmin can say a word, a nurse walks inside the room, saying that she needs to give yunho his medication and check on yunho's conditions so both of them have to leave the room for a few minutes.

" changminnnie, i hope you can accompany hyorin outside, will you ?" changmin will never say no to yunho. so he nods, before leaving the room.

" so you and yunho are quite close, I suppose, changmin-ssi ? "

now he can get the idea why yunho was in love with this woman. she was polite, and nice. her voice was so soft like silk.

" yeah, we're quite close, " changmin replies short before leans on the wall, feeling the air breezes through his skin.

" i'm glad. i thought yunho would feel lonely in this hospital, but i was wrong. thanks for being friends with yunho, " hyorin said, with a smile.

" i don't think so. for some reasons, i  should be the one who'd be thanking yunho-hyung. if it wasn't because of him i wouldn't still be alive, "

changmin slowly confesses, slightly avoiding the worried look of his friend's girlfriend.

" changmin-ssi, "

he hears the soft voice calling for him.
" can you do me a favour ? " he stares straight into the girl's eyes, trying to figure out what's on her mind.

" can you please, always, stay with him ? i mean like i can't visit him often since i have so much work to do in Seoul. i'm afraid that he will get lonely from time to time. i just want him to be happy as he stays here ."

the more hyorin speaks her mind, the more changmin knows how qualified is her to be yunho's girlfriend.

" i'll try , " changmin replies with a smile, but who knows, he was planning to stay with the other from the start.

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